The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Hussein's Political Memorial Day Address.

"This POS can't even leave politics out of an address about Memorial Day and the sacrifice of the brave Americans who gave their life in the defense of this country. He talks about remembering our brave soldiers, caring for their loved ones, and making sure that our Veteran's get all the care they need, and how the Armed Forces have all the support to carry out their missions at home and abroad. And then, he gets to what he really cares about. Right at the end, he says, and I quote, “let’s work together to preserve what their sacrifices achieved, to make our country even stronger, even more fair, even more free”. He just can't help himself. He has to sneak in the real purpose of his address, the fact that this country needs to be fairer, to the people that he really cares about. The moochers. No you pathetic fraud, our brave servicemen didn't sacrifice their lives to "make things even more fair', they gave their lives so we could keep our freedoms and our rights, a concept you appear to have trouble understanding.
My God this guy makes me sick. Make things "more fair'? More fair to who? Is it fair that 50% of us work our asses off so we can give your 48% free food, free phones, free cable, free whatever the hell else they get? Is it fair that you take our hard earned money so we can give free healthcare to illegals. Is it fair to be targeting a section of our population for IRS humiliation and degradation? Is it fair to be investigating reporters and targeting their sources in order to inhibit free speech? Is it fair to be leaving 4 Americans to die because the head of the State Dept. wanted to make her facility a shining example of her good works, but was too incompetent to do so? Is it
fair to have the IRS running the health program? Please oh stupid one, tell us about your fairness. Is that what fair means to you? I can assure you asshole, that's not what those brave souls gave their lives for. And for you to make this part of your Memorial Day address just shows your utter disdain for those that sacrificed their lives. No, he doesn't care to remember the hero's, he just wants to remember those that are having trouble getting their EBT Cards renewed.
And now on to another part of this worthless speech. I have to ask, who the hell is writing this stuff for him. Don't they know what their writing and how it ties into what he actually does. Example, "remember those left behind"? Are you kidding me? Do they forget about Benghazi, and those brave men that he "left behind"? Does he remember Seal Team Six, and how his mentally impaired VP went and shot his mouth off that they were the ones that conducted the removal of Obama Bin Laden? Where are the answers for the families of the Seal Team Six hero's, who believe it's because your Reich leaked information about their involvement that they became targets because of it? Where was the mention of them today? No where to be found. But, you lower a flag to honor of a dead junkie singer like Whitney Houston. You had time to apologize to Sandra Fluck because you felt this American hero and her cause was being unfairly targeted. You had time to call the Fort Hood shootings work place violence so that those wounded wouldn't be taken care of, but you continue to pay the shooter. Time for all that  unimportant bullshit. You had time for all these parties for your libtard hollyweird friends, but how many parties have you thrown for veterans? Well Barry, we remember the four American men murdered on your watch Barry. We remember the members of Seal Team Six, and you are complicit in their murders. We remember those that gave their lives for their country. You have a lot of gall trying to tell us how to commemorate our fallen heroes. The sock puppet spoke again.
Will you find the time to appear at a Memorial Day function? And will Moochelle be standing there with you saying things like "all this for dead soldiers. Or will John "Traitor" Kerry be there with you standing at attention with Jane Fonda saluting at you. Or maybe you will have a cookout at the Shite House and invite all those American hero's like Jay Z and Beyonce. Face it, Hussein and his regime are the biggest haters of our Military and Veterans since, the Clinton's. Our Military and Veteran's got screwed the last two elections. He doesn't give two shits about us or the men who fight against Hussein's true heritage. He only cares about himself and his family and his Muslim religion. Why don't you do something useful and tell you libtard friends to go by a flag and head down to their local VFW and remember the fallen. Yeah right. And isn't it ironic that Barry whines all day long about George Bush, yet he never mentions that Bush is involved with Wounded Warrior Project and has the vets to his ranch. That's probably what pisses him off. So "let's be fair" Barry, your a traitor to this country. Our Veteran's didn't fight for your definition of "fairness". So with all due respect, take your spread the wealth and "fairness" and stick up your ass.

In closing, I would like to quote the great American General, George S. Patton, who said, "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived". No truer words were spoken. And Odumbo, take a look below and see what a real memorial Day address is like." MC

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