The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Crazy Uncle Joe Apologizes For Barrycare: “We Were Under The Impression It Was Ready To Go”

VICE PRES. JOE BIDEN TO CNN: “We were under the impression that it was ready to go. We had the president, to his credit, almost seven weeks out was saying, ‘is it going to be ready?’ and to be told by the pros that, ‘yeah, this is all ready to go, all in line.’ Neither he or I are technology geeks and we assumed that it was up and ready to run, but the good news is that although it’s not, and we apologize for that, we’re confident that by the end of November it will be and there will still be plenty of time for people to register to get online.”

"Oh no, it's Crazy Uncle Joe! You know they're in trouble when they bring out the uncle. I guess they have to bring him out and parade him around once in a while, then put him back in his white jacket and cell. Guess that "BFD" now stands for Big F**king Disaster, eh Joe? Crazy Joe says he's not a "technological geek"? Wait, no way. Joey's not a technology geek? My God, what'll it be next? The sun doesn't rise in the south? Like I believe anything this f**king moron has to say. There are things floating in toilets with greater intellects then Biden's. 

Joey says, "We had the president, to his credit, almost seven weeks out was saying, "is it going to be ready"? And to be told by the pros that, "yeah, this is all ready to go, all in line". Okay, so who's lying now? Supposedly only Se. Syphliss (hardly a "pro" and she said so as much today) had access to Barry about this, and only a handful of times. Was Barry actually talking to "the

Men Often Need Maternity Care Says Secretary Syphilis

"So, the Abortion Queen of Kansas said a lot of stupid things at the hearing yesterday, but this has got to be among the top 5. So what this dunce is saying is that Barrycare is soon to be like cable TV. It just sucks that I have to pay money for crap like BSDNC or AlJiz, so I can get the channels I watch. Now with this farce, we all must pay for Pelosi's maternity care. What a revolting thought. I think I'll pass. I think its time to put down the crack pipe and stop self medicating Secretary Syphilis. Explain to me how maternity care applies to couple past child bearing years? Oh wait, stupid me, I see this is where I am wrong, I'm trying to bring logic into all of this. Maybe it depends how you define what maternity is. The fact is all men MUST have maternity care for no specific reasons other than to help offset the cost of maternity care paid by women. Do men get covered mammograms and PAP smears, too? We need a small group of pregnant men to stand behind Hussein in their maternity clothes in the Rose Garden to prove that not everyone in this regime is a liar. The insurance companies must love selling a product many people will never use. Truth is, having men paying for maternity care, takes care of the 72% of children in the US that are born out of wedlock. Enjoy paying for birthin babies guys. The only must is that this disaster must be repealed. It is too big of a disaster. 

So we have state mandated health forced on to taxpayers that do not want it and that covers them for stuff that is a physical improbability to occur ever. Big government logic, fu**king love it! Yeah, sign me up. This turd is even better than "cash for clunkers". How much you wanna bet the

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
        "Even the most reliably hacky Obamacare supporters have at least conceded that people are losing their old plans because of Obamacare. They spin it with the notion that these new plans are way better, so why would you have liked that dumb old plan anyway (which fit within your family’s budget and served you well)? But the act of spinning requires at least some reckoning with the truth.

What level of denial and/or mendacity is necessary [for Valerie Jarrett to deny] this? What confidence that the media will be there to cover your lies? This is the mindset of the people surrounding President Obama, and because no one’s ever held accountable for screwing up, this is the mindset of those who are “fixing” Obamacare’s problems.

In this case, I think Jarrett’s confidence in media to toe her line is misplaced. The dam seems to be breaking, at long last, on this falsehood. But who could blame her for thinking it’d hold up? This is the level of compliance she’s used to. --Mary Katherine Ham

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Harry GReid Asked About Obama Telling Americans They Could Keep Their Health Insurance: “He Didn’t Say Anything Wrong, That’s True”

Senate majority leader Harry Reid took a different tack than House Democratic whip Steny Hoyer, digging in on the claim that Americans can keep their existing health-care plans under Obamacare and blaming insurance companies for any canceled plans.
President Obama “didn’t say anything that was wrong. That’s true,” Reid said when asked whether Obama’s promises that Americans could keep their current health-care plans were misleading.
Describing what was happening to millions of Americans receiving cancellation notices, Reid said, “Insurance companies cancel plans. That’s what they do.”

"Harry says, "President Obama didn’t say anything that was wrong. That’s true”. What world does this asshole live in? This from an idiot who can't even tie his own shoelaces. Yeah jackass,

NewsBusted 10/29/13

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
        "I've got a montage of all these media people saying Obama didn't know about NSA spying. Obama didn't know. He didn't know about the IRS. He didn't know about Fast and Furious. He didn't know that Obamacare's website was gonna be a bust. He didn't know anything. And that's the excuse? I just saw Gloria Borger on CNN, "Obama didn't know." As though that's something to be proud of? That is a legitimate excuse? The president didn't know that the NSA was spying on foreign leaders, and you want us to give him a pass because he's that out of touch and detached that he didn't know, when the fact of the matter is they're lying to us again. BS, he didn't know. How stupid do they think we are?

Obama doesn't know anything about Benghazi. He doesn't know anything about Fast and Furious. He didn't know anything about Syria. He didn't know anything about Obamacare. Didn't know anything about the NSA. He didn't know anything about Solyndra. He didn't know anything about how the stimulus was gonna go wrong. He didn't know diddly-squat. Congress had no idea that it would be this bad. They didn't know. The conservative talking heads in Washington, they didn't know for five weeks how bad it was gonna be. The political consultants, Republicans and Democrats, they didn't know. Nobody had any idea.

Nobody in Washington has any idea about anything. The news today is, who didn't know? And they're doing it in a way that makes 'em look like they're proud of it, as though it's a legitimate excuse. "Well, don't get mad at Obama. He didn't know about the NSA spying." Oh, he didn't? "No. No. And that's why you shouldn't be mad. He didn't know." You mean these powerful forces that he can't control are out doing all this and he doesn't know anything about it? "That's right he's out campaigning. He's upset about it as anybody else." Am I doing it again? Well, I tell you, the only people that knew, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, me, talk radio, we knew. " --Rush Limbaugh

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bubba Says we Are Ideologues If We Oppose Barrycare.

"Another drain bamaged libtard "elder statesman" chimes in. Oh do continue Bubba, but first is she still under the desk? Your opinions do not weigh in very strong around here anymore you old pervert. You are a nobody now so who cares what you think? Hey Bubba, premiums will double come January. There is no invented psycho-babble that can turn that pile of shit into a salad. I guess practical is what you call stealing from the working middle class to fund Barry's parasite health insurance? I call it communism. We understand this destructive, Un-Constitutional,  "Law" you disgusting, manipulative, and irrelevant old POS. It can't work. Your priorities are for power, money and pus.., I mean women. You want Shillary in the White House as a free ride for all your hideous, perverse addictions. You will say or do anything to get your broken down ass back in the spot light. How pathetic. But truth be told, your shameful legacy will follow you to the grave, as a committed general in the real war on women. Look how many you have attacked, abused, raped and destroyed you deranged predatory freak. How dare you call us ideologues you commie traitor. There, I feel better now. I was sick of that unmanly little finger being shaken in my face years ago, and I don't need to have it done to me again. You can stick that finger up your ass. 

So OK Bubba, you want to ruin what you have left of a reputation for that beast you call your wife and that traitor in the Shite House? Well, go ahead, make my day! One does not need to be an ideologue to conclude that Barrycare is a disaster. Everyday common sense people can figure

McRINO: Hillary Clinton’s Work As Secretary of State “Outstanding,” Joe Biden A “Wonderful Guy”

"Once again McRhino has not disappointed us. So Shillary's work as Sec. of State was outstanding McDumbass? Well, Ambassador Christopher Stevens was unavailable for comment. Hey McLibtard, do us all a favor and give Shillary a big sloppy wet kiss, then change parties, as you already are as liberal as they come. Can you suck any more liberal ass?  Truth is moron, she accomplished nothing outside of a hundred f**k ups, kinda like your presidency would have produced. Is there anyone who believes that the opinion's of John McRino are anything more than the ramblings of a senile old fart? Does he have any credibility with true conservatives? Who really gives a shit what he says? Please good people of Arizona, get rid of this asshole. The Arizona constitution has a recall provision. Why don't you use it? 

It amazes me McStupid that you are so blind that you can't see they are using you. And to think that I long believed that Gore and Biden were in a dead heat for stupidest man ever to serve in the Senate. You have become the definition of a useful idiot. Shillary and Crazy Joe Biden are the equivalent of Viet Cong guards at the Hanoi Hilton and you are aiding and abetting them. I

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
       "If you’re looking for an epitaph for the republic (and these days, who isn’t?) try this – from August 2010 and TechCrunch’s delirious preview of healthcare.gov:

We were working in a very very nimble hyper-consumer-focused way,” explained Todd Park, the Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “all fused in this kind of maelstrom of pizza, Mountain Dew and all-nighters … and, you know, idealism. That kind of led to the magic that was produced.

Wow. Think of the magic that Madison, Hamilton, and the rest of those schlubs could have produced if they’d only had pizza and Mountain Dew and been willing to pull a few all-nighters at Philadelphia in 1787. Somewhere between the idealism and the curling slice of last night’s pepperoni, Macon Phillips, the administration’s Director of New Media, happened to come across a Tweet by Edward Mullen of Jersey City in which he Twitpicced his design for what a health-insurance exchange could look like. So Phillips printed it out to show his fellow administration officials: “Look, this is the sort of creativity that is out there,” he said. “One thing led to another, and he left Jersey City to come to D.C. and helped push us through an information architectural process.”" --Mark Steyn

Monday, October 28, 2013

Libtard Says: “I Was All For Obamacare Until I Realized I Was Paying For It”

Via LA Times:
Thousands of Californians are discovering what Obamacare will cost them — and many don’t like what they see.
Fullerton resident Jennifer Harris thought she had a great deal, paying $98 a month for an individual plan through Health Net Inc. She got a rude surprise this month when the company said it would cancel her policy at the end of this year. Her current plan does not conform with the new federal rules, which require more generous levels of coverage.
Now Harris, a self-employed lawyer, must shop for replacement insurance. The cheapest plan she has found will cost her $238 a month. She and her husband don’t qualify for federal premium subsidies because they earn too much money, about $80,000 a year combined.
“It doesn’t seem right to make the middle class pay so much more in order to give health insurance to everybody else,” said Harris, who is three months pregnant. “This increase is simply not affordable.”

"But, but, I thought I didn't have to pay for it? But, but, Barry said I could keep my current healthcare plan. But, but, but, but, they should be happy. They got what they voted for in Barrycare. The got the chance to help support all the "less fortunate" (Translation - the 47% parasite class). They bought and drank the cool aide, now they have 'buyers remorse'. F**king idiots, morons, ill-informed punks who are making life miserable for the entire country. Wake up! Oh I see, they are for libtards spending someone else's money, but when they think an entitlement program is coming out of their pocket they don't like it. Who would have thought? This is a reality check. It's great to feel good about giving away stuff to 'needy' people, but in the end, it is you who will pay for it. What dopes these young libtards are. Welcome to the shit sandwich we warned you about dumbasses! 

Isn't it funny how the libtards always cringe when the bill comes in? So Miss Harris, "It doesn't seem right to make the middle class pay so much more in order to give health insurance to everybody else, this increase is simply not affordable." Let me  throw you a crying rag you stupid libtard. Now would be a really good time for someone to show her the conservative way. You know what Jen Jen, if you voted for the Marxist in the Shite House, and you probably did, I don't want to hear it. You helped to make this bed Jenny, now enjoy sleeping in it. You thought you'd be immune to this? We tried to warn everyone this would happen. But instead of listening, we were ridiculed. I really don't want to hear you damn Barrybots whining, what I want to hear is an apology. There is no underestimating the stupidity of the libtard voter.

With all the lies and distortion's associated with this law, you still have the leftist libtards defending it and/or blaming anyone but Barry and the democraps. But really, should that surprise anybody? After all, if the libtards can defend Carter's economic idiocy, Ted Kennedy's murder,

60 Minutes On The Truth About Benghazi

60 Minutes had an absolutely devastating report [watch below] on the Obama administration’s failure to protect Ambassador Chris Stevens and other Americans in Benghazi. The heart of the report is that there were clear and unequivocal warnings which were ignored, and the Obama administration lied about these warnings after the attack.
Hillary and Obama blamed a video and stood by the caskets perpetuating that lie.

"When you lose 60 Minutes, "it's a big f**king deal". Oh, and please Shillary, please run for President. I beg you. Somebody must be really pissed at Shillary. Do you think Joe Biden has some friends at CBS. Hmmmmmmm." MC

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
      "Never mind Teapot Dome, Checkers, Chappaquiddick, Watergate, or Iran-Contra: "Fast and Furious" is arguably the greatest scandal in American political history. It most certainly is the greatest scandal never reported by the main media outlets. Obama's misadministration sought to launch an attack on the second amendment by "proving" that lax US gun laws led to Mexico's drug-fueled violence. It decided to "prove" that by providing the guns. It was the ultimate in cop weapon throw-down or evidence planting.

Imagine if the situation were the reverse. Imagine that the Attorney General of Mexico, in order to argue for stronger anti-drug laws in Mexico, decided as a matter of policy to provide drugs to the most powerful US criminal gangs. How would we react? Drone strikes on Chapultepec Castle, anybody? I must say that the Mexican reaction has been surprisingly muted to Obama's declaration of war against Mexico.The media, with the notable and worthy exceptions of FOX and now UNIVISION, ignored the story as much as possible, concentrating instead on how Republicans wanted to embarrass Attorney General Holder, and forgetting about the bodies piling up on and near the border." --W. Lewis Amselem

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Barry Whines: GOP “Rooting For Barrycare’s Failure" Wahhhhh

"I don't know about the GOP, but your damn right I'm wishing for Barrycare's failure, and yours too. Which by the way, will happen sooner then you think. Nobody has to 'root for its failure jackass, it's doing that on it's own. Just look at everything this group of utter incompetent morons have had their hands on. After this reich is no longer in power, one could sit down a write a historical flow chart on how to f**king fail. And you would not even have to make anything up. We don't need to root, just sit back and watch the house of cards fall. Is there something wrong with rooting for good to triumph over evil. It's like rooting for the failure of Communism. This is a situation that nobody has to root for or wish anything bad upon. It is a self defeating, self collapsing system and it was designed that way. So now the Wussy in Chief is going around whining that the GOP wants it to fail. Wahhhhh. Would you like a little cheese with your whine? Oh wait,let me get my little violin out to accompany that whine and cheese. What an asshole. Always the victim, never the leader. Maybe it would help if he burst into tears, stomped his feet and wet his diaper. Followed up by rolling around on the stage flailing his arms and legs while screaming. He always has an excuse for his failures. Spoiled communist brat who never reached manhood. For Gods sake Barry, stand up for once in your pathetic life and accept that you are a loser. It might do you some good. 

What did you expect when crammed it down people's throat the way you did? The jackasses responsible for this pile of shit are the democraps in congress, both house and senate, who voted for it without reading it, and the staffers who helped pen this train wreck of a law. Oh, and the worst part of this entire fiasco is that congress, their staffers, dear leader, his administration's

HELLO! Meet the 72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” by the Obama Administration

by Michael Snyder

Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner?  Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order?  Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you ever visit alternative news websites (such as this one)?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a “potential terrorist” according to official U.S. government documents.

At one time, the term “terrorist” was used very narrowly.  The government applied that label to people like Osama bin Laden and other Islamic jihadists.  But now the Obama administration is removing all references to Islam from terror training materials, and instead the term “terrorist” is being applied to large groups of American citizens.

And if you are a “terrorist”, that means that you have no rights and the government can treat you just like it treats the terrorists that are being held at Guantanamo Bay.  So if you belong to a group of people that is now being referred to as “potential terrorists”, please don’t take it as a joke.  The first step to persecuting any group of people is to demonize them.  And right now large groups of peaceful, law-abiding citizens are being ruthlessly demonized.

Below is a list of 72 types of Americans that are considered to be “extremists” and “potential terrorists” in official U.S. government documents.  To see the original source document for each point, just click on the link.  As you can see, this list covers most of the country…

1. Those that talk about “individual liberties”

2. Those that advocate for states’ rights

3. Those that want “to make the world a better place”

4. “The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule”

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
     "Some spirit of secession has spread across the land, with various areas in Maryland, Colorado, Texas, California and elsewhere discussing seceding from their states, because of political alienation arising from significant differences in values and preferences. I don’t take the political prospects of American secession movements too seriously, and assume their principal purpose is to gain leverage for their preferred policies within their state governments.

These secessionists have an advantage over those seeking outright separation from the Union – and a big disadvantage. On one hand, they don’t have to deal with the Confederacy/slavery baggage that tends to confound discussions of secession in the U.S. On the other hand, the Constitution, Art. IV, sec. 3 clearly forbids the creating a new state in the territory of an existing one without the latter’s consent, and the consent of Congress. That is a high bar, practically insurmountable.

But there may be an easier way for those who seek to secede from their state – instead of creating a new “51st” state, secede to join an existing state. The Constitution’s requirement of home-state and congressional consent only clearly applies to the creation of a “new state”..." --Eugene Kontorovich

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Shocker: Barrycare Company CGI Executive Is Moochelle Obama’s Princeton Classmate; Both Belonged To “Organization Of Black Unity”

Via Daily Caller:
First Lady Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned the contract to build the failed Obamacare website.
Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of ’85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at Healthcare.gov. CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company.
Townes-Whitley and her Princeton classmate Michelle Obama are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.
Toni Townes ’85 is a onetime policy analyst with the General Accounting Office and previously served in the Peace Corps in Gabon, West Africa. Her decision to return to work, as an African-American woman, after six years of raising kids was applauded by a Princeton alumni publication in 1998.

"Oh really.? How interesting. Think this might just be a coincidence. Ya think? No, not when it comes to the Hussein's. No, nothing to see here folks, just move along now. I mean how could you think there is something under-handed here? I mean surely you can't be serious? And don't call me Shirley. Yep, based on this friend of the Mooch, who is the top executive of the company that built this smooth running, Barrycare website,  it has all the looks of an Affirmative Action failure. Oh yeah, Affirmative Action  is coming full circle to bite us in the ass once again. No-bid contract. Sweeeet! Thats right, it never went to bid and was just awarded, then once it was awarded, the president of the company starts donating as much as he can to Barry. Corruption and incompetence, the hallmarks of the Hussien regime. This should explain why this was a no bid contract. A no bid contract to Mooch's friend. Not only no bid, but the biggest debacle in our history. Yeah, bless Mooch's corrupt, commie heart. I'm betting this was her way of saying f**k you America. Another Hussein moment to remember. 

And if that isn't enough for you, try this on for size, Canadian MPP Balkissoon's son, Tony, and his wife, Laura Jarrett (Valerie Jarrett's daughter) both are investors in the Canadian CGI Group that contracted the ACA roll out. Ah, the plot thickens. This could explain why TAXPAYERS were charged 625 million for a 1 million dollar site. Valerie Jarrett's daughter  working for CGI is a scandal bigger than Moochelle's classmate. This needs to be exposed now while the ACA is falling apart. This could be the final nail in the Progressive's coffin. The great heist of America continues and their getting away with it, for now. When the hell is my America gonna wake up from this stupidity? MC

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
     "Lately, the left has taken to calling conservatives “Leninists” for our refusal to fix Obamacare.

The implicit acknowledgement here is that Obamacare is going to make things worse, despite their claims to the contrary.

No conservative wants things to get worse. We just know things will get worse. Obamacare will be deeply destructive. People are already seeing it. The only way Obamacare would ever work is if people behaved irrationally. It is a system that requires the young to go out and buy their own insurance, but allows them to stay on their parents’ insurance until they are well into their twenties. The law operates only if people do not behave like people.

Republicans should be opposed to any and all fixes of Obamacare. The GOP should not lift even half a finger to accommodate Democrat demands for changes. The Democrats planned and implemented Obamacare without a single Republican vote. They made clear they did not need the votes. They used a budgetary procedure in the Senate to get around a filibuster after the people of Massachusetts sent a Republican in Ted Kennedy’s stead to try to stop it.

So the Democrats can own it. They can own every deleted application, every delayed entry into the website, every denial of insurance, every decline in full time work, and every denial of care that comes from this horrible law." --Erick Erickson

Friday, October 25, 2013

Michelle Obama’s 1985 Princeton Thesis

“My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my ‘blackness’ than ever before,”
Four parts (click to download)
Part 1: Download
Part 2: Download
Part 3: Download
Part 4: Download

"Good grief, did she cut her hair with a weed-whacker? What no bangs? She was so repulsive looking and still is. I know we all had our regrettable looks when we were young, but at least we f**king smiled! But really, the Mooch is pretty in two ways, pretty ugly and she pretty much stayed that way. Alright, enough of the Mooch comments, back to her thesis. First off, I'll give her an F. I wrote better in grade school and I never had a chip on my shoulder. Content of your character, not the color of your skin my ass. Not with these racists. Now you know why mooch tried to hide this "thesis" from the public. If you have never read it you need to. It is like a bunch of phony, meaningless, intellectual bullshit. The grammar is awful, and that is being generous. The logic is roughly on a middle school level. It is just that bad. Really bad. The only thing it has going for it is, and I would bet a years salary on it, is that it is light years ahead of Barry's thesis. I read most of it and it is absolute non sense. It's safe to assume her bitterness was engrained in her at an early age, with a racist up-bringing. So Mooch, the entire Nation is now well aware of your Blackness. No need to say anymore on that one.

You know I'm 56 years old, and never once in my 56 years have I ever thought about my whiteness. I get up, do what I have to do for the day, treat everyone I meet the same, and go about my day. Why does everything today have to always be about skin color? I couldn't read more than a couple of paragraphs of the whole "blackness" thing for fear of getting violently ill. Why is it that blacks like Moochie, Rearend Al and Jesse, want to be treated like everyone else but think of themselves as so separate? And so pissed off because they think we see them as different from everyone else. Yet, they are the ones with a Black Congressional Caucus, a black TV sation, a Miss Black America, Black colleges, the Negro College Fund, etc. You get the picture? Maybe it's

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
    "[If] I were setting up a system that absolutely, positively depended upon getting young people to buy insurance . . . I would not have included a provision that requires plans to cover children until they’re 26." --Jim Geraghty

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Rearend Al And Other Black Pastors Pledge Support To Barrycare

"Hey Al Shithead, you and the rest of your black pators (not to be confused with black panthers), are welcome to follow your Magic Negro into this neverending chaos. So 14 ignorant, colr blinded, black pastors wrote a letter and that makes Barrycare all better? What a f**king joke. There is nothing I like more than 14 racist suck ups. Hand them all a roll of toilet paper to pass around so they can wipe the shit off their nose. Forward we much. It's fitting that the head is the leader of the Tawana Brigade. Where's the Rearend Jesse Jackass? You know, the one that bought his $5 mail order reverend license before Al. Guess he was busy trying to figure out how to sneak a file into his son's prison cell. He should be coming around shortly, not to worry. He can't pass up being included in this racist circle jerk. After all, he knows that an invite to the Shite House for free food is not far off.

Perhaps Sharpnuts is just looking for some attention because his BSDNC show is so popular. Sharpnut preaches nothing but hate and racism, and the rest of these "pastors" must believe the

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
  "Obama can fire 10,000 people and the ObamaCare system still won't work.

And remember, the part of the system that doesn't work just enrolls a member.

Just wait till they attempt to process the gazillions of medical, financial and reporting events. " --Commenter Beckwith

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

We Need More Money To Fix Barrycare Says Libtard Rep. Stenchy Hoyer

"Hey Stenchy, screw you and the camel you rode in on. It was probably the same camel that the idiot from Kenya rode in on. Are you really that stupid? Sorry, there I go again asking questions with obvious answers. Listen asshole, we taxpayers need a refund for your totally inept, bungling, fraud-laden program that nobody wants, nor needs! You have wasted enough time and money on this money pit. Time to take one of those "shovel ready jobs" and bury this shit law. This circle jerk has already cost at minimum $500 million dollars, one might be lead to believe that for that kind of money they could have got something right. Not a chance when the government is run by libtards. No sir, there is nothing on earth that socialist's can't "fix" with other peoples money. Don't you understand, you cannot turn a bad idea into a good one no matter how much hope and change you snort? Stupid question again. Stenchy, I've got a better idea. Virtually everyone in Congress has a slush fund, aka "Leadership PAC". How about you jerk-off's pass the hat around, since this is your bright idea? Use your own f**king money, we ain't got any left! You can check our pockets!

I'm sure you could use a big tax increase on all those 'rich people', so they 'pay their fair share' for this debacle. They will never learn what their policies have done and are doing to this country.

NewsBusted 10/22/13

Hitler Learns About the Obamacare Exchanges

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 
Someone's been blamed.

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
   "Perhaps it's anecdotal, but it seems to be a pretty common anecdote -- outside the Beltway, no one cares. The shutdown, the debt ceiling -- it's not even on normal peoples' radar...

In 2014, the fact that their insurer is dumping their health insurance plan and making them pay twice as much for a crummier one -- now that will get their attention. They will have an opinion on that, plus they will be plenty interested in who is responsible for it. And does anyone want to guess who is responsible for ensuring that the Scarlet "O" of Obamacare is tattooed right onto the forehead of every Democrat running in 2014? Three guesses, and if your first two are John and Lindsey you are wrong, wrong, wrong.

This wasn't a defeat. Sure, the Democrats will cluck about it, and their media serfs will repeat the Journolist talking points du jour, but it doesn't matter. They won nothing except the chance to allow Obamacare to fail even more spectacularly.

Congratulations, President Pyrrhus. A couple more "wins" like this one and we'll be on our way to fundamentally changing America back." --Kurt Schlichter


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3