The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, October 25, 2013

Michelle Obama’s 1985 Princeton Thesis

“My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my ‘blackness’ than ever before,”
Four parts (click to download)
Part 1: Download
Part 2: Download
Part 3: Download
Part 4: Download

"Good grief, did she cut her hair with a weed-whacker? What no bangs? She was so repulsive looking and still is. I know we all had our regrettable looks when we were young, but at least we f**king smiled! But really, the Mooch is pretty in two ways, pretty ugly and she pretty much stayed that way. Alright, enough of the Mooch comments, back to her thesis. First off, I'll give her an F. I wrote better in grade school and I never had a chip on my shoulder. Content of your character, not the color of your skin my ass. Not with these racists. Now you know why mooch tried to hide this "thesis" from the public. If you have never read it you need to. It is like a bunch of phony, meaningless, intellectual bullshit. The grammar is awful, and that is being generous. The logic is roughly on a middle school level. It is just that bad. Really bad. The only thing it has going for it is, and I would bet a years salary on it, is that it is light years ahead of Barry's thesis. I read most of it and it is absolute non sense. It's safe to assume her bitterness was engrained in her at an early age, with a racist up-bringing. So Mooch, the entire Nation is now well aware of your Blackness. No need to say anymore on that one.

You know I'm 56 years old, and never once in my 56 years have I ever thought about my whiteness. I get up, do what I have to do for the day, treat everyone I meet the same, and go about my day. Why does everything today have to always be about skin color? I couldn't read more than a couple of paragraphs of the whole "blackness" thing for fear of getting violently ill. Why is it that blacks like Moochie, Rearend Al and Jesse, want to be treated like everyone else but think of themselves as so separate? And so pissed off because they think we see them as different from everyone else. Yet, they are the ones with a Black Congressional Caucus, a black TV sation, a Miss Black America, Black colleges, the Negro College Fund, etc. You get the picture? Maybe it's
just me, but it is such a waste of time, energy and emotions. It's an obsession like Mooche's, that is taught in childhood, used to fuel anger, a feeling of helplessness, and of being owed something for nothing. It must be like carrying a drug addiction around with you. I am not a racist. Some may not think so, because I write about those people who want to see race relations continue to be strained. They have this chip on their shoulder they can't let it go. I would vote for Ben Carson, Alan West, Condi Rice, or any other black conservative in a second. But those like Moochie, Al and Jesse, label those blacks as Uncle Tom' and sellouts. Not only do they hate white people, but they hate black people that don't hate white people. So really, who are the racists here? I despise those race baitors, or any other black person who want to use the color of their skin as a means of promoting their agenda or success. If that makes me a racist, so be it. Let me be honest, I don't give a damn about Moochelle Obama's looks or what color she is. What I give a damn about is the sad state of her character. That bothers me. It all started with her first time on the national stage and her "For the first time in my life, I am proud of my country" quote. That's right Mooch, the country that gave you the position and wealthy lifestyle you now have and live. The country you have shown nothing but disrespect for since becoming First Lady. I cannot say which one disgusts me more, Moochelle or Barry. Never the less, one thing is certain, they are made for each other, and I'm sure they'll pass on those hateful traits to their children." MC

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