WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013
Men Often Need Maternity Care Says Secretary Syphilis
"So, the Abortion Queen of Kansas said a lot of stupid things at the hearing yesterday, but this has got to be among the top 5. So what this dunce is saying is that Barrycare is soon to be like cable TV. It just sucks that I have to pay money for crap like BSDNC or AlJiz, so I can get the channels I watch. Now with this farce, we all must pay for Pelosi's maternity care. What a revolting thought. I think I'll pass. I think its time to put down the crack pipe and stop self medicating Secretary Syphilis. Explain to me how maternity care applies to couple past child bearing years? Oh wait, stupid me, I see this is where I am wrong, I'm trying to bring logic into all of this. Maybe it depends how you define what maternity is. The fact is all men MUST have maternity care for no specific reasons other than to help offset the cost of maternity care paid by women. Do men get covered mammograms and PAP smears, too? We need a small group of pregnant men to stand behind Hussein in their maternity clothes in the Rose Garden to prove that not everyone in this regime is a liar. The insurance companies must love selling a product many people will never use. Truth is, having men paying for maternity care, takes care of the 72% of children in the US that are born out of wedlock. Enjoy paying for birthin babies guys. The only must is that this disaster must be repealed. It is too big of a disaster.
So we have state mandated health forced on to taxpayers that do not want it and that covers them for stuff that is a physical improbability to occur ever. Big government logic, fu**king love it! Yeah, sign me up. This turd is even better than "cash for clunkers". How much you wanna bet the
money for "maternity care" is going to Planned Parenthood? “I Don’t Know” if Americans Forced to Fund Abortions Under Barrycare". Who in their right mind thinks the Abortion Queen of Kansas does not know that. Her chief interest in “affordable healthcare” has been forcing Americans to pay for abortions. Barry chose her specifically because of her devotion to this goal and NOW she says that she is not clear about the abortion coverage? The American people aren't buying anything Secretary Syphilis is selling. If we don't quash this tyranny, there will be very dark days ahead, I'm afraid." MC
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