WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Sunday, October 27, 2013
Barry Whines: GOP “Rooting For Barrycare’s Failure" Wahhhhh
"I don't know about the GOP, but your damn right I'm wishing for Barrycare's failure, and yours too. Which by the way, will happen sooner then you think. Nobody has to 'root for its failure jackass, it's doing that on it's own. Just look at everything this group of utter incompetent morons have had their hands on. After this reich is no longer in power, one could sit down a write a historical flow chart on how to f**king fail. And you would not even have to make anything up. We don't need to root, just sit back and watch the house of cards fall. Is there something wrong with rooting for good to triumph over evil. It's like rooting for the failure of Communism. This is a situation that nobody has to root for or wish anything bad upon. It is a self defeating, self collapsing system and it was designed that way. So now the Wussy in Chief is going around whining that the GOP wants it to fail. Wahhhhh. Would you like a little cheese with your whine? Oh wait,let me get my little violin out to accompany that whine and cheese. What an asshole. Always the victim, never the leader. Maybe it would help if he burst into tears, stomped his feet and wet his diaper. Followed up by rolling around on the stage flailing his arms and legs while screaming. He always has an excuse for his failures. Spoiled communist brat who never reached manhood. For Gods sake Barry, stand up for once in your pathetic life and accept that you are a loser. It might do you some good.
What did you expect when crammed it down people's throat the way you did? The jackasses responsible for this pile of shit are the democraps in congress, both house and senate, who voted for it without reading it, and the staffers who helped pen this train wreck of a law. Oh, and the worst part of this entire fiasco is that congress, their staffers, dear leader, his administration's
trolls, and Muslims are exempt from this debacle. Do me a favor and open up those f**king Dumbo ears of yours, "hell yeah, we're "rooting for the law's failure." We told you we didn't want it in 2009 and we still don't want it. Unlike you, we've actually read it, and we want it even less now than we did in 2010". It's our job to be the opposition. I've been rooting for the failure of your entire reich for 5 years now. Where the hell have you been? Oh yeah, your head has been so far up your ass you haven't been paying attention to anything except trying to get it unstuck. You can try to force it on us, but you can't force us to like it. It's a terrible law, and we have every right as American's to root for it to fail. I want no part of your socialized health care bullshit. I want it to fail because if it succeeds this country will be turned into another socialist paradise, which is exactly what Barry wants. I just hope I live long enough to see him crucified in the history books. That's all I ask." MC
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