"So Hussein, the Terrorist in Chief, finally was able to say the word Terrorist. He almost spit up, but he got it out of that Marxist mouth of his. But even at that, he had to make sure that we don’t jump to conclusions and warns us it still could be the work of one lone nut with no affiliation. A lone nut? I can’t believe Hussein’s throwing Biden under the bus like this. Anyway, he couldn’t help himself. Ah, yes. That lone extremists. More likely it wasn’t a terrorist but a lone extremist like Adam Lanza, who, according to the left, is an indictment of everyone with an NRA membership. I hate this man. Then it was “if you see something suspicious, speak up”, while the libtard assholes remind us we are racist if we suspect an Arab or use their name, as being responsible for this. If you see something, say something. Right. Just be prepared to be marginalized as a racist and Islamophobe. Oh, and let’s not jump to conclusions. That’s what he
always says when his Muslim brothers are caught red-handed, and unless it has to do with a black university professor questioned by police, or a black youth killed by a white Hispanic. Can you stand it? And the leftist pigs already have their smear strategy laid out. In trying to blatantly blame the Tea Party or some other conservative group, they’re repeatedly using the statement “It was Tax Day.” over and over and over in order to, again, put blame on their political enemies. The Husseinabots are nasty communists, and they have turned this country to shit. I’ve heard the term “Tax Day” come out of the mouths of libtard gutter rats like Axelrod, Michael Moore, Chris Mathews, Nick Kristoff, and scores of no-name media hacks in the last 24 hours. They are trying to implicate the Tea Party by some dirty, dishonest, vile smear. What total scumbags. This bastard makes me sick to my stomach. Ya know, I “want” to be proud of my countrymen, and value and respect diverse opinions and values, But this lowlife Commie Piece of Shit makes me want to just punch libtards in their stupid smug mouths! The Hussein’s are exceptionally vile sewage. PS: speaking of sewage, the Rat Faced Marxist is not sending a Rep. to Margaret Thatcher’s funeral. Lovely.” MC
Obama finally calls the Boston bombing an act of terrorism at White House briefing at 11:30 am, but warns that this could be the act of one lone nut with no affiliation.
Obama said if you see something suspicious, speak up. Meanwhile, leftist twats sneer at anyone concerned with Arabs. If you see Arabs as suspicious you are a RACIST.
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