WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Expected… Hussein Won’t Call Boston Marathon Bomb Blasts a Terrorist Attack (Video)
"If I recall, He didn't call Benghazi a terrorist attack either. He just can't bring himself to say the word terrorist. When he gave that emotionless, uncaring speech, an 8 yr old child died in this bombing, so what now? This clown is such a pathetic loser. I really hate stupid people, and he is perfect example of stupid. This moron is nothing more than a parrot, only repeating words other put in his mouth. Didn't mean to insult parrots. Let me set the record straight, parrots are smarter then this idiot. Trouble is he is parroting his friends who hate this country. It is a travesty that these traitors are even walking on our soil. Well I hope all you libtards are glad the "War on terror is over". Hoping you are feeling much safer now. Because you know that this wasn't a "terrorist attack" according to our Jackass in Chief. Couldn't be. I'm waiting for it to be called "marathon violence". Won't be long before they blame it on Bush. And the Shite House photo of
Hussein talking to supposedly someone about the bombing. It could be he is making a tee time for all we know. But anyway, look at the photo. Notice anything? Nothing on the desktop. Not a paper, not a file. Nothing. Empty, like he is. And having heard the dictator pronounce that we would get the perpetrators of Benghazi and bring them to justice and having watched our success at that venture, oh, well. I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling about justice for this. And then there is the media. The Hussein ass kissing media. The media that said Benghazi was about a video. That lie was peddled on the news and by this Reich. Trayvon Martin was the victim of white on black racism. That lie is still being told. Adam Lanza's mother was a "prepper" which is code for right wing extremist, which is equated with anyone that isn't a leftist. Hussein uses the tragedy to push gun legislation. Occupy was allowed to soil public space for months on end for the political gain of mayor's and governors calculating their support. Major news networks ignore the Gosnell trial because it would look bad for the abortion industry and for Hussein. And this bombing was attributed to the right on Patriots day by Wolfe Blitzer and Esquire magazine and other "news" outlets before any facts are known. They knee-jerk and accuse us? What else is new with the Socialist U.S.A. PRESS. You make me disgusted to think you are part of the human race. I pray for the victims in this terrorist attack. But more than just a prayer is needed for this president. The days of freedom from terrorist attack is gone with Hussein. America is weak under this administration. I think it's time the kids are removed and the grownups put back in charge. Until then, sleep tight America." MC
Barack Obama delivered a short statement today on the Boston Marathon bomb blasts.
He wouldn’t call it a terrorist attack.
That’s just nuts.
Obama also promised to bring the offenders to justice.
Just like Benghazi.
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