"I don't know why the left is so up in arms over these terrorist attacks. Isn't this the same thing that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn did? Hell, they are buddies with Hussein and celebrated college professors, teaching our students. Don't that just make you feel warm all over. What are the teaching, Bomb Making 101? So, are we looking for a film to blame again? I'm going nominate Django. And Hussein vows those responsible for the Boston explosion will feel 'full weight of justice'. Yeah, right. I would take it more seriously if he said they would feel the full weight of Michelle's ass. Listening to this garbage speech, it sounded like it was recycled from his post Benghazi speech. I'm sure he has it memorized by now and the next time around, he'll only
need one teleprompter as opposed to the usual two. I only wonder just how many more times we will hear this same disingenuous shit before he's replaced? This amateur is responsible for more death and destruction than anyone in history. He's a waste of oxygen, and he's going to get us all killed. This speech was just a shorter version of the Minority House Scarecrow Nancy's speech: "Oooo, this time I'm really mad. If one more bomb goes off, I'm gonna hold my breath, and then you'll be sorry." I just can't take much more of this. Really! Both of them, what an embarrassment to the American People! This president is the worst in modern history. Does he even know what's going on in the country? Where was homeland security? Groping grandma at the airport is my guess. Or seeing where the best sale on bullets are. Thats right, the "dyke" over at Homeland Security is leaving our borders open, buying all of our ammunition, and molesting granny at the airport, meanwhile, well by now, you know the rest of the story. So go get 'em big dog. Bring the full weight down on them. We'll be waiting month's from now, just like Benghazi. You failed at that. The only thing Barry is good at is Failure, he's the king of Failure." MC
** Worst jobs president since the Great Depression.
** Poverty at highest rate since 1960′s.
** Worst economic recovery ever.
** More Americans on food stamps than entire population of Spain.
** Record number of Americans seeking jobs.
** Failed trillion dollar stimulus.
** Four straight years of trillion dollar deficits.
** 8.8 million Americans on disability.
** Lost the war in Afghanistan.
** Murdered Ambassador in Libya – while president was AWOL.
** Terrorist strike at Fort Hood.
And now this…
The Boston Marathon terrorist attack.
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