WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Obama Credo (Obama – “I believe…”)
"Stella Paul for the American Thinker pretty much nailed it. Very well done. Thank you. Sad thing is some of this lefty lunacy was just in the last week or so. I mean after 4 years of this shit you start to get insensitive to it all and not notice as much any more. Anyone that reads this and doesn't come away thinking WTF, has got to be a lost libtard prog demorat. I'll tell you what I believe, if this country doesn't start opening its eyes, it's going to be too late." MC
I believe that a child who pretends his pastry is a gun poses an imminent danger, but 5,000 criminal illegal aliens released from jail enhance public safety.
I believe that New Yorkers must be protected from the risk of drinking 16 ounces of soda, but exposed to the risk of bringing Osama bin Laden's son-in-law for a civil trial blocks from Ground Zero.
I believe that every American child deserves to be loved and cherished, except for certain 16-year-olds who
deserve to be killed by drones.
I believe that a Muslim woman who applauds 9/11 and admires Hitler deserves a State Department award for her courage, at least until someone reads her tweets.
I believe that the federal government should confiscate guns from law-abiding Americans, but give thousands of guns to Mexican drug gangs to kill our Border Patrol agents.
I believe the president should stay up late partying with Jay-Z and Beyonce, but hit the sack when our Libyan consulate is under attack and our Ambassador is missing.
I believe that plastic bags are a menace to the earth, but Iran's nuclear weapons are no big deal.
I believe that mankind controls the weather, but is helpless to get a job.
I believe that Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and CIA Chief John Brennan are fair-minded statesmen, and if you don't agree, you're a Jew-loving Zionist who's under the thumb of the Israel Lobby.
I believe the First Lady should always announce the winning picture at the Oscars, accompanied by military personnel, and if you don't like the Academy's choice, you should be shot.
I believe that American children must be educated by government teachers about the danger of sexual predators, and fondled by government inspectors every time they board a plane.
I believe that America is rich enough to arm the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt with 16 F-16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams tanks, but too broke to give White House tours.
I believe that government should keep its "Hands off my body," with the one exception of ObamaCare's 160 new government agencies that control my medical care.
I believe that Bob Woodward is a hero for exposing the lies of Nixon, and a scoundrel for exposing the lies of Obama.
I believe that women are the most capable people on earth, but helpless to pack healthy lunches for their kids without the First Lady.
I believe that Attorney General Eric Holder, who's in contempt of Congress, is trustworthy when he promises Congress not to kill us with drones, because his word is gold.
I believe that Al Gore is a sincere spokesman for the planet, who only sold out to Al Jazeera for 100 million bucks because he needed to pay the fuel bills in his 10,000-square-foot mansion.
I believe that male politicians must respect women, and so I voted for Robert Menendez, Eliot Spitzer, John Edwards, Bill Clinton, John Kennedy, Anthony Weiner, David Wu, Kwame Kilpatrick, Antonio Villaraigoso, and the irreplaceable conscience of the Senate, Ted Kennedy.
I believe that Arabs blowing up Israeli families are expressing justifiable rage, but Jews building homes in Jerusalem can never be forgiven.
I believe that Hillary Clinton was the greatest Secretary of State since the dawn of time, and if you don't agree, what difference at this point does it make?
I believe that we must practice sustainability for our children's future, and that every beautiful new baby should be born $54,000 in debt.
I believe that the Constitution is an outmoded document written by dead white males, and Shariah is a timeless expression of important cultural values.
I believe in free speech, so why don't you shut the **** up.
I believe the Koch Brothers are greedy, conniving hate-mongers, and that convicted felon and Nazi collaborator George Soros is a selfless patriot.
I believe that Obama has elevated us to a new age of multicultural harmony, and that's why his Department of Homeland Security just ordered 450 million rounds of hollow point bullets.
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