If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
"I'll take a cold 32 ouncer and an AR-15 to go. Finally! Someone with common sense in New York government. Douchbergberg called his soda ban “portion control.” And the judge called it “power control" and said no. Can you believe a judge actually stood up and threw a wrench in the little dictators edict? It's sad that it took a judge to tell this power-mad Libtard fascist that he doesn't have the right to tell Americans what size drink they can have. I'll bet Douchberg went in a back room and threw a hissy fit? I guess Douche boy just found out, he isn't the dictator, that
his Kenyan American Dicktator counterpart is. You think Douchberg will appeal? Um, but where can he can appeal? It was the State SUPREME COURT Justice who made the injunction. You think this will go to the Supreme Court of the US? That would be an interesting day in judicial history if the Supreme Court had to decide what size of containers could be used to sell and distribute soda to the citizens. I'd like to say it couldn't happen, but with the insane political culture these days who know. And if that doesn't work, he can always bribe Andrew NoMo. He still has his options. But in the meantime, let's give him the middle finger salute. You have to wonder how the people of this city allow him to push them around. Oh, wait, I forgot, what do you really expect from a city that 40% of them are ebt card holders with free Hussein phones and 80% can not read or write? What am I thinkin. Leftists do not want an educated country. Kids who learn critical thinking skills instead of "feel good" self esteem principals, grow up to be conservatives. Best to keep the little ones stupid and dependent by teaching them how to "feel" and not "think" so they can grow up to be libtards. I believe that they need to ban the tall jugs of "kool-aid" that the idiots in NY have been drinking for years. Better yet, how about banning large, libtard ego's? You know what the irony in all this is, we can think for ourselves as long as it involves terminating the life of an unborn child, yet we cannot think for ourselves if it involves food, beverage, or cigarettes. Oh, let's not forget guns. Interesting isn't it? Well anyway, let's be thankful for a judge with some good old fashioned common sense. Gotta love when freedom and common sense finds a way." MC
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