WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Mayor Bloomberg Disagrees With Court’s Decision – Vows to Continue War on 20 Oz. Soda-Pops
"Interesting how libtards are all pro-court when the court agrees with them. If the court doesn't, they either fight and insult the court or just ignore it. Typical libtard dictatorial behavior. Hey Douchberg, there is no ban. The judge says so. What part of KEEP YOUR F**KING NOSE OUT OF OUR PERSONAL LIVES don't you get Mr. Douchberg? The court has ruled. Now sit down
and STFU you fascist wannabe DICKtator. You knew this sort of thing was going to happen when Husseinacare was being rammed down our throats. These libtard fascist's excuse for every ridiculous Act they make on our personal freedom over the next twenty years will be because "we're paying for your health care, and what you're doing is costing us too much money". Brace yourselves folks. Unless this piece of shit "Unaffordable Care Act" is repealed, this is going to be their excuse to dominate our lives. Let's not tackle the real issues. No, how about the war on gangs? How about the war on drugs? How about the homeless? How about the high taxes? Oh wait, those are real problems. Mayor Douchberg is too stupid on actual real issues. Reason being because he like his libtard facist mayors in other big cities like LA and Detroit, caused these problems.With the level of education available in NYC (80% H.S. Grads can't read) I don't see things getting any better with these carnival of libtard clowns running the city. Soon there will be no printed words on public display, only pictures for the confused low information masses.That will be their way of dealing with the problem. I guess Douchberg wants his legacy to be that he stopped people from drinking soda. Wonder if they give Nobel Peace Prizes for this. I mean it is proven that anybody can get one of those stupid awards. Douchberg is a tyrant. Its the Douchbergs of the world that pave the way for future dictators. But stupid? Lets not make the mistake of writing Douchberg and the rest of the libtards off as stupid. They are the tyrants our forefathers warned us about, and we need to prepare accordingly." MC
Mayor Michael Bloomberg held a press conference yesterday after a court shot down his super-sized soda-pop ban.
Bloomberg vowed to continue his assault on 20 ounce soda-pops.
“5,000 people in New York City will die this year of obesity,” he said. “It would be irresponsible for us not to do everything we can to save lives.”
So what’s next for Bloomberg?… Cupcakes? Monster burgers? Banana splits?
Where does it end?
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