The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, September 8, 2017

Trump Stuns GOP by Dealing With Democrats on Debt, Harvey Aid

FOX Business:

In the political world, the earth just moved. President Trump turned to the Democrats to get things done. His tilt will continue: he wants tax reform, and it is Democrats who may give him the votes to get that done too. With Republicans running the House and the Senate, why does the president have to go outside his own party? Good question, easy answer.

The Republican Party has shown itself incapable of governing. 

I voted for Trump, precisely because I knew he could save the country from total decay and get things done. I was sick and tired of the spineless GOP  RINO's. I believed they would get on board with the president once we gave them what they said they needed to get things done, the Presidency. I was wrong. They are a bunch of spineless pussies who don't care about the people who they represent. I'm not happy with some of President Trump's compromises, but the biggest blame falls on the failures and frauds represented by Ryan and McConnell. Trump would've signed anything they would've put on his desk. Instead, Ryan and McConnell are more concerned with fundraising, special interests, and trying to satisfy the left wing media, which they are too stupid to realize will never accept them. They talk about cutting taxes, how taxes are bad for the economy, blah, blah, blah. But as soon as someone in the media yells "they want tax cuts for the rich," they wet their pants, run and stand in the corner sucking their thumbs. 

This Congress is only a do-nothing Congress. They have the majority and you would think it's the other way around. The Establishment Republicans led by McConnell and Ryan have opposed President Trump from his nomination onward to now. The Democrats are nothing but radical hacks who have no reason to support him. But it is my belief, or maybe my hope, that the president is using the democrats to give the GOP a kick in the ass. Work with me or I will work with someone else. The Republicans have driven President Trump to this point, and assured them he'll now treat them as they have treated him. He'll make a deal with anyone willing to give him something for his agenda. He pulled a Reagan and got Democrats to vote for part of what he had to do? Trump was forced to play the only hand the incompetent GOP leadership gave him. Zero wins in 6 months, time for change. 

I despise the socialist democrats, but I despise the traitorous RINO's just as much. I join President Trump in being frustrated with GOP congress. With traitors like McCain, who wants Trump to fail regardless of what that failure means to the future of the US, and an incredibly incompetent GOP leadership, especially in the Senate, President Trump will probably need to go it alone in many areas, or continue to move without their help. With up coming mid terms approaching, we need to vote out all RINO's from the GOP. The GOP congress and their hatred for President Trump is obvious. This RINO congress may go down as the biggest squandering of political power in the history of American politics. The American people gave them all the power of congress and the executive branch and they have done what, nothing! It's like being on the one yard line, on the verge of winning the Super Bowl, and running off the field. I have to conclude they did it on purpose, they stabbed their voters in the back. The Republicans are a collective disgrace. Ryan and McConnell need to go now. This nation needs Patriots to clean out all these corrupt traitors.

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