The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, September 8, 2017


Dianne Franken-Feinstein and 
"I am a" DICK" Durbin 
Attacks Judicial Nominee’s Catholic Faith

Via The Daily Signal:
“Do you consider yourself an orthodox Catholic?” is an unusual and inappropriate question for a senator to ask a judicial nominee. In fact, the Constitution forbids it.
But that didn’t stop Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., from probing Notre Dame Law professor Amy Coney Barrett about her faith. Sen. Dianne Feinstein. D-Calif., also chided Barrett for being a practicing Catholic, proclaiming, “The dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern.”

Both senators appear to have forgotten Article VI’s admonition that “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Officer or public Trust under the United States.”
The senators’ hostility to religion was loudly on display as Barrett and Michigan Supreme Court Justice Joan Larsen appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday, having been nominated by the president to fill two federal appellate vacancies.

I decided to look up Article VI of the constitution, and it appears both of these bigoted senators appear to have forgotten Article VI’s warning that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any officer or public trust under the United States". But it's theDemocrats, "The Constitution, screw it". "The dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of  concern"? We know these kinds of questions would never be put to a Muslim. And if they were, these two assholes careers would be over. A Muslim could go up there stating sharia law has an equal footing as the written laws and these same Senators would nod, smile, then take their rugs out and pray. Can you imagine the outrage if a Republican had asked a Muslim a question like that? And why can't these illegal questions be gavelled down? Is it because it makes the Democrats look bad. No. It's because it would require a person in charge to have a f**king spine.

I guess Miss Barrett isn't the democrats kind of catholic. "Splashing Ted" Kennedy was their kind of catholic, you know, dump a girl in a pond and keep your fingers crossed that no one misses her. If McConnell had any balls, he would call for Durbin's and Feinsteins censure under Article VI. But "balls" and McConnell don't mix. And, in typical democrat fashion, they let WIFI cast the first stone. Because as we know, democrats always use women politicians to attack women, black politicians to attack blacks and Latino politicians to attack Latinos. For So long now the democrats have not only ignored the constitution, but also misinterpret it. It plainly says freedom "of" religion, but they turn it into freedom "from" religion. The hatred for anything Christian is obvious in Washington. Remember Obama? Obama did away with the National prayer breakfast and day of prayer. No one said a word. Hell he even went so far is to allow muslim prayer in the oval office, again not one word. Any of us that complain are cast as bigots or worse. Don't bake a cake, and they ruin you or worse. At the highest positions of our government, we are descending into lawlessness. When do we fight back?

Well meaning and religious people have just sat back and watched as liberal leftists took religion from schools. If they were so sure there was no GOD then why fight so hard to make him disappear from everyday life. Can anyone show me how much better off we are that we are more  "enlightened" about religion? Are the streets safe, oh lets just take, Shitcago, or how about Baltimore? I mean have our school systems improved so much since a woman who was an atheist to the core forced "her" belief system on our whole nation and won religion to be taken out of schools. Oh yeah, improved so much that our kids can't read, can't spell, but they know how to put a condom on a banana. Look around, has our society improved since legalizing same sex marriage? Or has our society improved having transgenders use the bathroom of their sexual choice. Has our society improved since they demanded crosses be taken down, prayer removed, statues of the 10 Commandments taken down. How many rights did we have to give up for this to happen? No we are not better off! I find it offensive these two nut jobs are concerned that this woman is a Catholic! The Democrats are masters of hatred of all people who oppose their politics or can't be used by them to further their agenda. I could go on all day, but you get the picture, and now it's right in front of our eyes in the senate. 

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