The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Trump-induced insomnia stalks liberal blue-state America

Blue America is having trouble with sleep — tossing and turning as they lie awake, then falling into nightmares. And those who are suffering tend to blame the 45th president of the United States.

Full article here

Actually, I sleep just fine thank you and am sleeping like a rock at night for the first time in 8 years. Do you need more proof that liberal snowflakes can't live in and handle reality. And libtards wonder why nobody takes them seriously? Liberals have collectively lost their minds.I would say if you lose sleep over who is and who isnt president, you probably should seek psychiatric help, get your meds and move on. I know the very thought of a president actually enforcing the laws and not celebrating criminal behavior is so frightening to a libtard. But welcome to the real America assholes!  The disaster due to you idiots that voted for the anti-American racist, lying POS Obama, now have about 7 years and 10 months to go sleepless. So find a safe space in mommy's basement, curl up in a fetal position, release your Schumer tears, and cry yourselves to sleep. Or, you could do the adult thing and grow the f**k up.

  • When Obowel won twice, we did not riot, loot, damage property, commit arson, threaten or attack people for speaking their mind, And we certainlydid not disrespect, promote to and actually murder police officers like you radical liberals did. We just said dammit, well I voted, nothing I can do about it, and just went on about my job, and lived our lives. Thats the difference. Conservatives are sensible, logical, realistic, and practical. Liberals are delusional, paranoid, and mentally insecure which is why they feel they must control everything and everyone on Earth. Libfreaks need to snap out of their delusional, make believe fantasy world. So, I suggest all of you Liberal Snowflakes double up on your Prozac because the day of the free lunch and the non-enforcement of laws is over.and we're going to make America Great again whether you like it or not. 

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