The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Leftist Sen Franken Says His Constitution is 'Different' from the late Justice Scalia's

The Washington Free Beacon reported on the jaw-dropping statement:
Franken acknowledged that nobody can dispute the late Scalia's love for the Constitution, but he went on to say “the document he revered looks very different from the one I have sworn to defend.”

Al Franken is an idiot. It is the Constitution, not Justice Scalia, that is blind to minority groups because the Constitution demands that all people, regardless of their minority or majority status, be treated the same. It's called equal treatment. There is no "pity clause" in the Constitution, although it's clear liberals believe there should be. And no where in the Constitution does it state that "certain communities" have rights other communities do not, or that people who make certain choices in their lives are entitled to be treated as though their choices are a function over which they have no control like race and gender.
For instance, if someone chooses to drop out of school, have three children out of wedlock and rely on taxpayer-funded entitlements to support their family, as a member of the "poor, uneducated, single mother community" should they be entitled to special Constitutional rights those who work and pay their own way are not? Franken's view of "equal status" means providing status to the small segment of the population who are given entitlements, by depriving it to the majority that doesn't, and that's not at all what the Constitution requires. The Constitution gives people the right to make choices, but it does not guarantee there will be no consequences for those choices. Equal opportunity is what we have a right to expect. What we do with the opportunity is up to us.

In Liberalville, the only shame anymore is directed toward those who believe actions have consequences. But removing the result of those consequences only encourages more bad behavior. We conservatives believe in personal responsibility. It is we who believe we should reap the rewards of our own hard work and good decisions and not be forced to fork it over to the irresponsible. And by believing that, we are called heartless, selfish and cruel.

Franken is blind to the constitution. Justice Scalia had a view based on blindfolded lady liberty so that laws would be applied without the use of filters, and prejudices that lead to lawlessness. Franken and his fellow leftists are the real fascists who want to control the rights of the majority by forcing them with the rights of the minority. They do not want equal and fair laws, they want revolving laws that change depending on their perspective and tendencies. And that is the direct opposite of law and order, and leads to lawlessness and chaos.

Franken displays perfectly the democrats ignorance of the Constitution. The document doesn't sort people into 'groups' or "certain communities.  Everyone is equal under the law. These liberals are idiots. The constitution is a living and breathing thing, yes, but only as it is amended. If it doesn't get amended, it doesn't change in meaning. The meaning doesn't change based on which direction the wind is blowing. I'm sick of the idea that the constitution means something different depending on who is reading it. What's the point of a standard if you can't consider something to be a fixed point of reference? So Franken, you may not know this, but the law is supposed to be BLIND toward all groups. Equally! Franken thinks his law degree from SNL makes him a Constitutional expert? If there ever was someone unqualified to be a member of government, or to sit in judgment of people, it is Al Franken.

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