WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

Dance Along
We Are So Back
Friday, May 17, 2013
Answer The Damn Question.
"I know now that Hussein knew about the IRS beating down on conservatives. How do I know. Watching the press conference today, Hussein was asked if he or anyone in his Crime family knew about the IRS targeting conservatives. His answer, “I can assure you that I certainly did not know anything about the IG [Inspector General] report before the IG report had been leaked to the press”. What? You didn't answer the question. What was that, the Potomac two step? He didn't say he didn't know anything about the IRS actions, he said he didn't know anything about the IG report. He never answered the question. He literally believes that what he says becomes the truth merely because he said it. That answer was like someone asking me if I like Chocolate or Vanilla Ice Cream and I tell them, " let me be clear about this, I don't like Strawberry". What the hell was that all about. It was about him not being charged with lying down the road. Believe me, Hussein not only knew, he didn't care. There is no way in hell he can come into the Oval Office for daily briefings and not know this was going on. I know they are as incompetent as the day is long, but he knew. It is insane to think that Hussein was in the dark about the IRS targeting of Hussein's political opponents. Yes, Hussein is a liar.
Then we have Nancy "Botox" Pelosi, who says, and I can't believe she's still using this tired old shit, "You have to remember that Mr. Miller was a Bush appointee". Right, Nancy. Like "Hussein
inherited this shit" that he orchestrated and oversaw since 2010. Just how f**king dumb does she think everyone in the country is? Will somebody just throw water on her so she can melt and go away.
Hussein doesn't know anything about anything. I guess Hussein must have slept through Benghazi, Fast & Furious, AP phone taps, voter fraud, voters getting free cell phones for voting Democrap, IRS fiasco and corruption. Damn, that fool must have slept the last 4 years of his life, or he's one dumbass. I'll go with dumbass. That's right Mr. President, I don't think anybody in the country expects a moron like you to know what the f**k is going on anywhere in the executive branch. Since you're an idiot, then the buck has to stop with somebody else, right?
Apparently, he doesn't know much of anything going on. I know he is actually incapable of being the chief executive. All he has accomplished is to demonize his opponents, whoever they are, attack them, try to ridicule them, call them racists, attack them personally, misdirect people, avoid the truth, make a lot of bad decisions. I doubt there is anybody left who has more than 5 brain cells who believes he isn't responsible for all of the IRS harassment and intimidation of American citizens who just want their voices heard. The "rules for radicals" approach to everything his administration does is also responsible for the AG using the DOJ to intimidate not only the AP into maintaining their "favorable" reporting stance, but I think more importantly to let anyone in their administration who has had enough of his cutthroat agenda to keep their mouths shut under penalty of prosecution. The constant theme with this president is to hurt and intimidate anyone who disagrees, to avoid any meaningful dialog, and to initiate and maintain constant class and race warfare. When we are all fighting and mistrusting each other, we won't stop to look behind the curtain and realize that his plan is actually to tear apart the country and destroy our lives so he can "rebuild" it in his own narcissistic image. This is why this terrorist of a president needs to be stopped, and now." MC
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