WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

Dance Along
We Are So Back
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Child of the United States Says: 'Maybe I Should Just Pack Up and Go Home.' I say, 'Thanks For The Material'.
"From your lips to God's ears. Sorry, Allah's ears. It took over 4 years, but he finally said something I agree with. Leave. Go already. Don't bother packing, just f**king leave. When is the next flight to Kenya. I'm sure your brother has room for you in his hut. And take Moochelle, your
Moocher in law, and your two Moochettes with you. And if you have room, take the buffoon Plugs Biden botox Pelosi with you. And your czars, bureaucrats, judges, corrupt lobbyists, your media lapdogs and all the rest of the Democrap mess. While you're at it, take the RINOs along for the ride too. Just please, don't f**king tease me like this, for once in your life follow through with a promise and leave the country. You've already done enough damage to this great nation. If you truly love this country (which we all know by now you do not) then you would do the appropriate and honorable thing and leave. You are not and never have been equal to the task and have repeatedly demonstrated this to us. So go now! Go to Kenya, go to Chicago, go to hell for all I care. Just go. Just don't pack the People's silver ware and china when you pack. Guess we may to
keep our eye on Moochelle and her mom. Maybe you could return to the practice of law. Maybe
even try a case. Or find another terrorist friend of yours to write another book for you. I'm sure there are still communities to organize. You see, there are lots of things you can do. So go try them out. But anyway, wasn't this press conference telling as to what kind of man child this guy really is? The things he says are just child like. He doesn't give a shit about what people think about
him. He has had this personality disorder most of his life, and he is someone who never grew up. He makes these stupid statements just to get a "rise" out of the press and his public. Dividing the country and conflict are what he does the best. The Big Money Machine is behind him as well as so many radical organizations, anti-American world leaders, Hollywood, they are all going to see that he finishes this country, brings every normal citizen to its knees, put small businesses out of business, tax the citizens to no end, pad the pockets of all his elite friends, let any illegal immigrant from any country come in and leech off the middle class citizens. And all of this so that America can be this "fundamentally transformed" country that he has dreamed of all his life. Every person who voted for this con-artist will get what they deserve. It's coming. What a jerk. The least presidential president in history. When he wins he gloats and brags, when he loses he pouts like a two year old. I really don't think he is mentally sound.So anyway, take your advice and go. Please go right now. And don't let the door hit you in the ass. Actually, it would be hitting Moochelle's ass since that would be the last thing to pass through the door, even if she left first." MC
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