The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

GOP Report Shows Clinton Lied About Benghazi. Say It Ain't So.

"It isn’t a question of “were they lying”, it’s a question of  just how big of a jackass breathing moron libtard do you have to be to believe a single thing they said. Am I saying that Barry Hussein and his band of Forty Thieves lied to the American People? You bet your libtard ass I am. And I will prove it. First, the Reich and the Hussein ass kissing media, wants us to believe that we would never send any forces into an unknown situation. That's their claim, we NEVER send troops into an unknown situation. What was unknown? You had a team of SEAL's on site feeding real time info to the highest levels of our government. You had a surveillance drone overhead feeding real time video to the Shite House. Never in human history could a commander have sent troops into harms way with better intel. So you see, it's pure libtard bullshit.We send troops into unknown situations all the time. In short, you morons don't have a f**king clue what you are talking about. That claim is simply a bold faced lie. Tell me this: how much information did we have about the Bin Laden compound? Did we have a team of Seals on site feeding real time info? Of course not. We knew nothing compared to what we knew in Benghazi. Yet we sent troops in to conduct a combat operation in a "friendly nation", in an unknown situation. That being said, 

prove me wrong. Give me one example where we haven’t sent troops into harms way  because all we had was real time intel from trained intelligence operatives? Chirp, chirp.Seems the libtards are having some trouble answering my question, so I will give them what should be a much, much easier question. Give me a single example in all of human history where a military commander 3,000 miles away had more information about a military engagement than Barack Hussein Obortion had on Sept. 11th, 2012? Chirp, chirp again. And at the risk of kicking a libtard when he’s down, tell me do cops and firemen in big cities, with tall skyscrapers like New York, go into “unknown situations” all the time? I think they do. But if the dicktator of New York, Mayor McFacist claimed they didn’t, would you believe him? You probably would, because libtards don't have the ability to process facts or use common sense. Anyway, here's the answer to the questions,
NEVER! So you see, they were lying. And now that I have delivered the absolute smack down to every liberal who hasn’t lifted a finger in combat for our nation, but thinks he can stick his chest out and look down at those who have served, and actually question their legitimacy, its time to smell the coffee. Ah, the “Conspiracy theory”. The “Conspiracy theory” have gotten a bad rap as a term thanks to you libs. One or two libtard nut jobs employ the term on something that they want to make go away, and suddenly the term itself loses its meaning. You know, like calling people racists. Getting old. Nixon was involved in a conspiracy, and now so are Hussein and Shillary. 

You see Libtards, I guess you think since you label something a “conspiracy theory”, that you suddenly shoot down everyone’s arguments? It's a “conspiracy theory”, nothing to see here. Move along. Just those racist, right wing extremists acting all crazy again. How easy and convenient that has been for you. Certainly easier than listening to and looking at the facts. Same with “anonymous sources” You think that if the story involves “anonymous sources”, it can't be true. Except when that Senate Leading Libtard Asshole Harry Reid has “anonymous sources” that says Romney didn't pay his taxes. Yes sir, you libtards are really something special. As far as 

“anonymous sources” go, you are even more ignorant if you don’t really believe people who would speak about this would be in very real danger. This informant would get crucified if he showed himself. Thank goodness he’s being brave enough to even get the information out there, just like the brave congressmen and women and other government officials who are “anonymously” leaking facts about the Saudi National cover-up, but that for another post. You see, this is how things work, libbie's. This is why things get leaked in the first place, because there’s a cover up. No coverup, no need for secret anonymous sources.  See how this works now? This is how it works in the real world. Not the f**king world you live in, but the real world? Understand now, Libtards? So you ask, then what really happened that night. I believe the cowards watched what was going down in the “Situation Room”, did nothing, made up a story to cover their sorry butts, and went to bed. And the whole time Hussein was either hiding under his desk holding Valerie Jarrett yelling "mommy, mommy", while letting these people die, or he was in bed, getting his sleep for his big fund raiser in Vegas. Either scenario is believable. So libtards, this could be the beginning of the end. I sure hope it is. But with all the corruption in Washington, the media, and even from the Rhinos, who knows. But if it turns out that this is true, then I’m sure you will have the decency to apologize, right? If not, who would care, because at that point in time what difference would your apology make anyway. Yep, its just about that time to impeach the Liar in Chief and take that ugly muffin top lying Shillary Clinton with him. Lest we forget who was actually in charge at the time. None other than our own Secretary of State, Ms. Clinton, who also happens to be the frontrunner for the 2016 Democratic nomination. Lets hope the public can’t 

possibly be stupid 3 elections in a row. But then again, an Obama phone and a lolly pop and the low information voter's, (who thinks Benghazi is something you use when you muscles ache) vote is secure. And unlike Moochelle, "For the first time in my adult life, I am afraid of my government." MC

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