WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Thursday, November 14, 2013
You Won't Believe What The Two Dumbest Libtards Said Yesterday About Barrycare.
"I am going to address two libtards in one post. These libtards are aboslutley insane, Either that, or in the late stages of dementia. These two libtard idiots are none other than Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Thats right, Dingy and the Dingbat. Why you ask? Well, for their comments on Barrycare of course. Always being the Barry asskissers that they are. Let's take Harry first.
Harry came out yesterday, after all the numbers for Barrycare were released and said he is “very comfortable” that the administration will solve Barrycare’s problems. Let's no forget Harry is exempt from Barrycare. Yeah, he's comfortable with it. Cause he doesn't have to sign up for it. The lying, scum-sucking libtard maggot has his own gold-plated federal policy and all of us peons are supposed to 'suck it up' and eat this huge shit sandwich and not even ask for mayo. How the hell can an evil, thieving bastard say that a destructive "law" created by commies and socialist thugs is comfortable. As long as this administration is in power and have assholes like Harry reid doing their bidding, they feel that they can say and do anything they want. To object is racist. They have so severely overplayed their hand that if this were happening 200 or 300 years ago or more, when the payback time came all the guillotines in the world will not be able to keep up. This corrupt filthy piece of shit should be tarred, feathered and run back to Nevada. Senile dementia makes crazy Harry the perfect democratic lapdog.
And now the "Wicked Witch of the West Coast" botox Nancy. While what Harry said is utterly stupid, what this dipshit said is just off the wall. After seeing the numbers, this stupid witch says, the Barrycare enrollment numbers of 500,000 are awesome. The incompetence and corruption is now obvious. Doesn't she have an inbound house from Kansas to catch? Have another drink, Skeletor. On our dime, of course. Where the hell is the fact challenged moron getting the 500,000 number? She's right if you let her make up her own numbers. Maybe she can share where she got
these from. Probably the same guy that told Harry Romney didn't pay his taxes. Am I the only one baffled how this person gets re-elected? What kind of stupid to you have to be to believe this jerk? Go back to the corner Nancy and put your dunce cap back on, your so ignorant it's almost funny.
The Cesspool is backing up into the Democrap sink and the shit is flowing all over the place. The fowl odors and rancid slime are engulfing the democraps. The public is starting to vomit as start to realize they can't escape the wreched mess they call Barrycare. This is what the democrap party is all about. It couldn't have happened to a nastier group of corrupt, lying, lawless, incompetent criminal fools. Can't say "WE TOLD YOU SO!" MC
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