The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Friday, November 15, 2013

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
 "It seems like only yesterday that the corrupt Democrat Party was loudly insisting that the people who lost their insurance policies under ObamaCare were a bunch of “red herrings” and “Chicken Littles,” to quote two phrases they employed during congressional hearings. They claimed the problem of insurance cancellations under ObamaCare was wildly inflated. When that didn’t work any more, they reverted to the cold default argument of socialism, and claimed the “losers” of ObamaCare – the people who believed Barack Obama’s Big Lie about being able to keep their insurance plans – were mere collateral damage, acceptable losses during the Great Health Care Leap Forward. They made loud, false claims that the plans lost to the Affordable Care Act were junk policies that consumers were foolish to have bought in the first place.

They even tried rewriting history and claiming Obama had always said… or meant… or silently believed in his heart… this would always happen. The Democrats even tried arguing that it was our fault for accepting the plain meaning of Obama’s words, when we should have read the bill none of them read before voting on it and understood that he was, shall we say, de-emphasizing certain unattractive truths. We should have known better, even though the massed ranks of the media closed in around Obama like a Praetorian guard of propaganda. We should have ignored the billion-dollar “news” racket and read the Affordable Care Act ourselves, cover to cover, discovering with our own eyes that millions of people were going to lose their coverage, no matter what Barack Obama said. We should have known his Health and Human Services Department would later issue regulations that made his promises of “grandfathering” existing new policies into the system functionally meaningless. The hot new lefty talking point became “Obama mis-spoke,” but what they really meant was, “You mis-heard him.”

All of these dodges, evasions, excuses, and lies piled atop lies flickered past in the space of just a few weeks. You can tell it didn’t work because top Democrats are swan-diving off the high rails of the Titanic, abandoning those old talking points like so much rubbish left behind in their staterooms. Yesterday it was Bill Clinton bailing on Obama and calling for legislation that would force Obama to live up to the Big Lie, by allowing people to keep their existing insurance plans. Now it’s Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) – another one of the power-mad Democrats who was proud to vote on ObamaCare without reading it, and now wants to throw her weight behind the bill introduced by terrified Democrat Mary Landrieu of Louisiana to protect existing insurance policies." --John Hayward

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