The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Delaying Husseinacare’s Employer Mandate To Cost Government $12 Billion…

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama’s decision to delay implementation of part of his healthcare reform law will cost $12 billion and leave a million fewer Americans with employer-sponsored health insurance in 2014, congressional researchers said Tuesday.The report by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office is the first authoritative estimate of the human and fiscal cost from the administration’s unexpected one-year delay announced July 2 of the employer mandate – a requirement for larger businesses to provide health coverage for their workers or pay a penalty.The analysts said the delay will add to the cost of “Obamacare’s” insurance-coverage provisions over the next 10 years. Penalties paid by employers would be lower and more individuals who otherwise might have had employer coverage will need federal insurance subsidies.

"It may cost the government 12 billion but it will save a whole lot of democrap asses in the 2014 elections, which is, of course, why the Asshole in Chief ordered to delay it. This only proves the only jobs Hussein cares about are Democraps up for re-election next year. Just looking at that smug little chicken- necked bastard galls me to no end. This POS does not care how many or who

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

'Rolling Stone cover we'll never see'. 

Joke of the Day:
Quote of the Day:

"For several years, Republican establishment types and their allies in the press have mocked conservatives for wanting an all or nothing strategy. They’ve said we have to be willing to compromise. So Mike Lee proposes a plan to fund the government except for the discretionary funding for Obamacare. The reaction of GOP leaders? They only want to support a plan that fully repeals Obamacare.
Conservatives have done what the GOP establishment wants. And now they attack us for compromising instead of going all or nothing?
We inch ever closer to a third party as Republican Leaders commit suicide by lie. The leadership willing to fight the base to pass a terrible immigration reform bill won’t lift a finger to fight against Obamacare.
The best chance we, as conservative activists have, is to deliver the third party from within by picking off Republican establishment leaders in primaries. From Matt Bevin to Milton Wolf to Larry Rhoden to Rob Maness to so many others, it is time to disrupt the GOP in a last ditch effort to save it from itself." --Erick Erickson

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Carlos Danger Disses The Clintoons: “I’m Not Interested In What People Who Are Not Voters In The City Of New York Have To Say”.

"Actually with all his sexting follies and calls for him to just go away, I don't think he is concerned what anyone has to say, let alone Bubba and Shillary. He's living in his own little Weiner World. The pet rat just bit his master's hand. This is getting good! He should really know better than to mess with Hill & Bill, it never ends well. Hey Weiner, watch yourself or you might end up like Vince Foster! I just hope the little shit head knows who killed Vince Foster. Maybe Huma knows this from the pillow talk between her and Shillary and told Carlos. Bottom line is, they are all disgusting people that should just go away. He is an embarrassment to all of New Yorkers, but then again, with what New York has running the place now, I think it would be real hard to even embarrass the city.

 I find it comical the Clintons wanting to distance themselves from this guy, like they are any better. I'm shocked , Shillary didn't call Weiner's escapade's a vast right wing conspiracy. Shillary and her man are the same if not worse then Weiner so they can get off their high moral horse.

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:
Quote of the Day:

"...Democratic Partisans have grown wealthy off of exploiting the Public Sector, using taxpayer funds to finance their own lives and their corrupt political machine (* especially Union Labor which launders taxpayer money back to the Democrats). Thus like Benghazi, Obama and others simply lie about the reasons for the need to continue to rip off everyone.
Barack Obama has been exposed long ago as being as big of a fraud as the Clintons. He has lied about all, transparency, taxation, lobbyists, rendition, wiretaps, spying, drone assassinations, executive orders, signing statements, war, "no meddling", etc. On top of it all, he is a vicious partisan who is overtly divisive. This is no leader. Even the loftiest vision of 'hope and change' was exposed long ago as nothing more than a cash for clunker - shovel ready flop dedicated to build more roads. It is a tragedy." --Old Fan

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Top 10 Signs Obama Scandals Aren't 'Phony'

- President Barack Obama, Speech on the Economy and 'Phony Scandals,' Galesburg, IL, July 24, 2013

10. Someone pleads the Fifth. Lois Lerner, IRS Director of Exempt Organizations, invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination during an oversight hearing. She was also suspended (with pay).

9. Documents go missing, officials fake e-mail addresses. Records of tax inquiries into Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell are gone; the former EPA chief made emails tough to find by using an alias.

8. You announce drastic policy shifts to minimize damage. When the Department of Justice was found to be snooping on the AP and Fox's James Rosen, Obama suddenly embraced a media shield law.
7. You make a show of "forcing" an official to resign. Obama theatrically announced the resignation of IRS chief Steven Miller; though his term was almost over, the gesture sent a clear signal of disapproval.

6. You try to arrest a low-level leaker. Though Obama himself minimizes the effort to catch Edward Snowden, the federal government is desperately trying to have him extradited for exposing NSA programs.

5. You assert dubious executive privilege to stop investigations. Obama exercised that option to protect Attorney General Eric Holder and the disastrous Operation Fast and Furious from scrutiny.

4. You intimidate whistleblowers. Hillary Clinton's State Department intimidated officials who knew the truth of what happened in Benghazi--and others who knew about gross misconduct in the agency.

3. Your Department of Justice opens criminal investigations. Theoretically, anyway, Attorney General Holder is seeing to it that the IRS's conduct is being scrutinized for alleged federal crimes.

2. You yourself have condemned the misconduct. Whether calling the IRS's behavior "inexcusable," or condemning civil liberties violations before 2008, Obama set the standard by which he is being judged.

1. Even the friendly media have run out of patience. When even journalists who made sure Obama was elected--twice--begin to feel threatened and irritated by the administration, there is no denying reality.

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

  "Attorney General Holder’s recent announcement is just the latest example of his politicization of the Department of Justice. Holder’s refusal to accept the judgment of the U.S. Supreme Court regarding preclearance continues the Department’s longstanding pattern of refusing to follow the law.

Likewise, Holder continues to attack voter ID laws, even though the Supreme Court has concluded that voter ID laws are supported by multiple interests that are “unquestionably relevant to the State’s interest in protecting the integrity and reliability of the electoral process.”" --Sen. Ted Cruz

Friday, July 26, 2013

Muslim in Chief Celebrates Ramadan By Hosting Iftar Meal At Shite House.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is saluting Muslim Americans for their contributions in helping build the nation as business entrepreneurs, technology innovators and pioneers in medicine.
Obama spoke at a White House dinner he hosted Thursday to celebrate the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. The meal, or iftar, breaks the day of fasting when Muslim families and communities eat together after sunset.
Obama said Ramadan is, quoting, “a time of reflection, a chance to demonstrate ones devotion to God through prayer and through fasting, but it’s also a time for family and friends to come together.”
He said the White House tradition is to celebrate sacred days of various faiths, adding that these occasions celebrate diversity that defines the country and reaffirms the freedom to worship.

"I'm celebrating, too. Pass the Pork Chops. Someone should have order a 100 sausage pizzas for delivery to this Shite House terrorist affair! Pioneers in what technology and medicine may I ask?  Oh, thats right, Robotussin and car bombs, bus bombs, school bombs, and Boston Bombs. Yeah, thats something to be proud of. The Israeli's kick their ass in Medical Technology and many other types of industries, and yet I do not see him having a Kosher Dinner to celebrate their contributions. Any chance he asked how mooslims feel about women's rights? Nah, didn't think so. Any chance he asked how mooslims feel about gay rights? Nah, didn't think so.  Hussein sure goes out of his way to coddle to the muslim terrorists. It's almost like he's one of them. Oh wait, he is. 

He said the White House tradition is to celebrate sacred days of various faiths Note that he calls it "the White House tradition". His tradition is to pay purple lip service to his "Christian faith" and then accuse us Christians of clinging to our religion and guns. I'm sorry, but did I miss the

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:
obama, obama jokes, royal, baby, england, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, coffee couple, conservative, tea party, cartoon

Quote of the Day:

"It [Obama's latest speech on the economy] was completely empty because he doesn't have anything to say, anything new to offer. It was the usual stuff, it could have been a campaign speech -- it was a campaign speech. I mean, somebody ought to tell the president that the 2012 election is officially over and he won and there isn't going to be another one for him. The main complaint I would have is that if you wanted to deliver a completely empty speech and you do it in Washington, you'll save the CO2 emissions that you get on Air Force One from delivering it in Illinois. That's the main critique I would offer, from a global warming perspective." --Charles Krauthammer

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Barry Continues With His Class Warfare, Blasts America’s “Winner-Take-All Economy,” “Inequality Of Opportunity”

Via Washington Examiner:
President Obama told an Illinois audience that vicious trends in the United States “winner-take-all” economy have diminished the economic opportunities available to Americans.
“The trend of a winner-take-all economy, where a few are doing better and better and better,” Obama said, “those trends have been made worse by the recession. This growing inequality — not just of result, [but] inequality of opportunity — it’s not just morally wrong; it’s bad economics.”
Obama then faulted Republicans for opposing Obamacare, “despite the fact that our businesses have created nearly twice as many jobs in this recovery as they had at the same point in the last recovery, when there was no Obamacare,” as his prepared remarks have it.

The face of the Devil

"Approval rating in the tank. Everyone still hates health care law and want to destroy it. No jobs, won't drill, no pipeline, no no no to the economy. He falls back on the only thing he knows, blame it on the Republicans and the middle class. Class warfare at its best by the Divider In Chief. I am so damn sick of this f**king idiot! How did this country ever allow this asshole to even be on a ballot, let alone get elected. I inderstand, we all know how that happened, but really, twice? Blame, blame, blame, that's all this Community Organizer knows. He's too f**king stupid and lazy to work it out. I didn't mean to leave out stupid. I simply despise this jerk. 

I'm so sick of this bile-spewing idiot that I really can't take it anymore. He's a blatant, bold-faced liar that hasn't once told the truth since he's been in office. He has no grasp of the economy and

NY Slimes Calling On Anthony Weiner To Drop Out Of Mayoral Race.

"Hey NY Slimes, trying to act like a real news organization are we. How about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, voter fraud, your boys budget deficit, Lying under oath, Eric Holder. No we can't get you to actually connect those dots just the obvious ones like Weiner. Let's not dig into Hussein's. Your a joke, like the party you kneel to. But anyway, so, will Weiner withdraw prematurely? Of course the arrogant perv won't. And why should he? Afterall, he's running for mayor of NY, and there are lots of libtard idiots that will vote for him. As long as Weiner has Democrap next to his name, all of his sexual escapdes won't matter, and it's obvious that there isn't anyone with morals left in the Democrat Party, the party of fruits and nuts. Libs love a good pervert. What we're seeing with Weiner is the result of 60 yrs of creeping cultural decline now in full bloom. And really, Carlos Danger? Carlos Danger? WTF? He should be disqualified for that alone. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. The name is Danger, Carlos Danger. What a scum bucket he is. Every time I see his face, it reminds me of some weasel-faced, know-it-all, big-mouthed brat we all probably knew in high school who used to get beaten up a lot and for good reason.

I don't think he should have to resign. If the people of New York City are stupid enough to vote

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:
Quote of the Day:

"Sally [Kohn], Detroit is not really an example of the failure of GOP economic policy. It’s been run by the Democrats for 60 years, and you can cite all the studies about how bad austerity is, all you have to do is look at Detroit and you get an idea of how bad the absence of austerity is, it’s a city in ruin...

...I think that the reason that the administration is hesitant to even talk about a bailout is that it understands that Detroit is a precedent. The minute you step into a bailout in Detroit, you’re going to get every city in the country lining up with a tin cup. And that’s why even this administration, even this administration is going to hold back from doing this." --Charles Krauthammer

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mooch Now Taking On Gun Control.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama is speaking out about the toll that gun violence is taking on young people, in a shift that shows the first lady’s willingness to tackle new and polarizing issues as she shapes her second term.
A meeting with high school students from a poor, gang-infested neighborhood in Chicago, her hometown, led Mrs. Obama to put a new spin on the stalled legislative debate over whether to ban firearms or impose new background checks on people who want to buy guns.
A mother to a teen and a tween, Mrs. Obama argues that the debate also is about the country’s obligation to help kids like these grow up and become adults. Several of the school’s current and former students were killed by gunfire within the past year.
The first lady faces the issue of immigration Tuesday when she gives the keynote speech at the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza, a Latino advocacy group. Immigration is one of President Barack Obama’s top second-term priorities.
Aides say the first lady isn’t making gun violence a new and distinct issue, but is folding it into her work encouraging youth to focus on getting an education.

"Popcorn time. This is gonna be fun. Hey Mooch, have some balls and speak out against gangs and gun violence in your hometown of Shitcago. Yeah, Shitcago is a good place to start this bullshit. And it's all the fault of guns. Not drugs, not thefts, not rape or assault, guns. The First Mooch needs to talk gun control in every Islamist country that her Husband is arming. Poll numbers are dropping yet Sasquatch and Hussein keep doing the same f**king thing over and over again. This has to be by far the dumbest administration in my lifetime. But then again, it's all about agenda now. They don't care about the polls anymore.

Squatch is a hard core commie just like her husband O'hole. She is a Black liberation theology, Rev Wrong caliber hater, so yes she is happy and willing to jump on the anti-gun crusade to disarm law abiding Americans to make the commie agenda easier to push down our throats.

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:
Quote of the Day:

 "Like Detroit, America has unfunded liabilities, to the tune of $220 trillion, according to the economist Laurence Kotlikoff. Like Detroit, it’s cosseting the government class and expanding the dependency class, to the point where its bipartisan “immigration reform” actively recruits 50–60 million low-skilled chain migrants. Like Detroit, America’s governing institutions are increasingly the corrupt enforcers of a one-party state — the IRS and Eric Holder’s amusingly misnamed Department of Justice being only the most obvious examples. Like Detroit, America is bifurcating into the class of “community organizers” and the unfortunate denizens of the communities so organized." --Mark Steyn

Monday, July 22, 2013

Tingles Is Delusional: NBC’s Legendary Washington Studio Will “Now Be Remembered Finally And Forever” For Airing My Show

"Wait, I'm not done laughing my ass off yet. This miserable POS thinks he has contributed something positive to this Country. So Tingles thinks he is a legend. Really? What network besides BSDNC would hire this nut bag? So he is signing off?  Even though he still has another shit show on this shit station. If he was really leaving, he could be marvelous in his new career as a telemarketer. "Tell me something I didn't know"? What a joke. You, and all your asshole buddies at your station don't know anything. the only thing you know is how to breathe, and that is unfortunate for us. I'm proud to say I haven't seen a single episode of this garbage. Taking this idiot off of the Sunday circuit was step one. Now if BSDNC had any brains at all, it would cancel his other show, "Whiffle Ball". I wonder what Barry and Mooch will now watch during this time slot. Probably reruns of Barry on the Ellen show.

You know Chrissy, you really should give sobriety a try. Sorry Tingles, nobody gave a flying shit about your show and thus the reason it was shit canned. This SOB is really something. He

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:
Quote of the Day:

 "Despite the best efforts of disgraceful Democrats on the House Oversight Committee to turn yesterday’s hearings into a circus, the adults in the room were indeed able to bring the [IRS] scandal right up to the White House door.

I’m not kidding about the national disgrace of buffoons like Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), the ranking Democrat. They’re like small children running through the committee room, banging pots together and screaming nonsense to keep anyone from noticing that a Barack Obama political appointee just got linked into the criminal conspiracy at the IRS. And now they’re childishly trying to stir up a racial scandal over exasperated House Oversight chairman Darrell Issa comparing Cummings to a “little boy whose hand has been caught in a cookie jar.”" --John Hayward

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Barry's Pals Jay-Z And Beyonce Join Al Sharpnuts At Prince Skittles Rally…

"These two P'sOS should go back to Cuba and bring that sorry excuse for a man with them. It made me sick to see this picture this morning. Barry and Mooch's big " friends" and look who they are with. Guess we will be seeing the thugs parents at the Shite House next. Just parade one racist after another through the people's house. How sad. 

Notice when Geraldo Rivera showed up everyone started yeliing "Get Fox out". It must hurt Geraldo's ego to not be wanted by conservatives or libtards. Yes sir, let's protest everywhere except Shitcago. Must avoid Shitcago at all costs. There is no reasoning with these people. They are out

10 reasons for Detroit’s historic failures

By Eric Boehm | Watchdog.org
The city of Detroit declared Chapter 9 bankruptcy on Thursday, making it the largest city in American history to go through the municipal bankruptcy process.
On Friday, a judge ruled that filing unconstitutional, but as the city sorts out its next move, here are 10 facts about the causes of Detroit’s financial mess and 10 photos that reflect just how badly the city is doing these days.
Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Commons
NOT SO GRANDE: The main dance floor at The Grande Ballroom in downtown Detroit has seen better days.
1.       The population has collapsed in the past six decades.
Yes, fewer people means a smaller tax base, but the real problem is the city’s government did not shrink along with the population — more on that in a bit.
Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Commons
THEY USED TO MAKE CARS HERE: The Packard Automobile Factory, where thousands of auto workers once labored, is a ghostly reminder of the city’s past as a manufacturing center.
2.       Detroit has the highest unemployment rate of any major city in the nation.
This is both a cause and an effect of the population situation.  Detroit is caught in a vicious cycle.  There are few jobs, so people leave to find work elsewhere.  Meanwhile, the high cost of the city’s government (more on that in a second) drives employers away and makes other less willing to relocate there.  That means fewer jobs, which further erodes the tax base and causes more people to leave the city.
Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Commons
BROKE INTO THE OLD APARTMENT: Built in 1924, the Cass Plaza Apartments are a boarded-up remnant of their former Italian Renaissance-style glory.
3.       Detroit has $18 billion – yes, billion —  in general-obligation debt.
That’s a lot more than some of the other high-profile municipal bankruptcy cases in recent

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:
Quote of the Day:

"Obama has been FDR, Lincoln, Reagan and now Trayvon Martin" Mark Levin

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Go To Hell Detroit, Campaign Is Over.

"Detroit's name should be changed to Barryville. Hows that election working out for you morons? How do they like they're prezzie now? Stupid is as stupid does. Vote stupid and you get f**ked. But hey, dey got dey obamaphones, EBT cards and welfare, so what they hell do they care? I'll never understand that kind on mentality, but I guess that is because I am not a Libtard. As they say, you reap what you sow. Another Democrap, libtard run ghetto city, no surprise this happened. He's not going to bail them out because there are a whole bunch of cities that would come running with their hands out if he did, and the Divider in Chief knows it. You see, that public union employee pension problem is all over the country, and will soon doom other American libtard run cities. The chickens are definitely coming home to roost. This is just the start. Most of the union people getting those big pensions can take it up with Detroit when the checks stop. Then they can see how their union will help them. Unions wanted the big pensions and the libtards obliged them for the union vote, now they can go f**k themselves. Hey, wait a minute, I thought O'hole already saved Detroit when he "bailed out" the car companies. I guess that it could safely be stated that a promise by an empty suit is just that, empty. Guess that was just another lie. 

This you can be sure of, not even a liberal Democrapic administration will step in to save the pensions of thousands of public union workers to having their pensions and health benefits gutted in bankruptcy court. Oh what a wonderful libtard world it can be. Elections have consequences. Remember that you Democrap voting union morons, next time you look at the ballot. This is the product of decades of a progressive agenda. Eventually it catches up with them and the money

Possibly The Best Soldier-Dog Reunion Video Ever

And some people say animals have no real emotions or memory.

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:
Quote of the Day:

"After my last visit to the shooting range, I am confident that if I am ever attacked by a blue man who stands motionless 25 yards away, I can defend myself." --Anonymous Commenter

Friday, July 19, 2013

(Mom) Of Trayvon Plays Race Card On Jurors: They Didn’t See My Son As Human…

"This is not even funny any more. Is this the mom that raised him, the mom that was his daddy's girl friend, or the mom who hasn't seen him in almost a year? Oh yeah, the one who hadn't seen him in almost a year. And who dumped him at age 3. Keep telling those lies (mom). Listen (mom), you can make all the excuses you want, that it is everyone's fault but your kid, but you know what, it was your fault also, and the kids dad. He was a thug pure and simple, it went to trial, 6 people found Zimmerman not guilty. Someone else, something else has to be at fault, because if not, then the guilt is theirs for not taking care that their son was better parented. She sent her son away, 200 miles away, to live with his father's girlfriend who didn't give a hoot where he was. The parents didn't even know he was missing for two days when they were notified that he had been killed. She knew he had tattoos and didn't ask who paid for them. She knew he had a gold grid for his teeth and didn't ask who paid for them. She knew he was out of control, had been suspended again from school and her response was to send him away. I'm not saying it's her fault that the young man was killed, I'm just saying that he was on a bad road and no one cared enough to help him until now. Now when we continue to hear what a good boy he was from (parents) that didn't care about him when he was alive. I'm just so f**king tired with the media letting (mom), (dad) and the family friend, go on and on about how Trayvon was just this little kid, a good boy who saved his dad's life. blah blah blah. Enough already. I'm sick of it. A parent should know their children and what their children are capable of, and as a (mother), she should have seen that her son was becoming a thug and intervened. I am even willing to bet that Zimmerman was not the first person he beat either.

How long is this shit going to go on every day? This works right into Barry's agenda. Covering up what he is doing and all his scandals, and the media happy to accomadate him yet again with all this Trayvon, racist bullshit. And (Mother) of Trayvon, enough already, move on with your life. Stop making money off of her dead son's name your life. Another libtard named Cindy Sheehan

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:
Quote of the Day:

 "There is something, not only unseemly, but quite disgraceful, about state officials speaking with all the force of state power refusing to accept the judgment of their own legal system." --Mark Steyn

Thursday, July 18, 2013

"Racist He Much" Sharpnuts Called White People “Crackers” When He Was Younger

"So Al called whites "crackers" when he was younger? Younger? Like yesterday younger? Al must 'have been one angry racist when he was young. Is he tryIng to imply that he doesn't, now? That's funny. When I was younger, I called Al a racist asshole. I still do. I wish Rush would come out and say "I used to call them porch monkeys and jiggerboos when I was younger." Then watch the libtard heads f**king explode. Because you know libtards don't have any problem with Rearend Al saying this. So, I guess, according to the noted race-baiter, rape hoax enabler, and riot creating murderer of innocent Jews cheerleader, Al "Racist He Much" Sharpnuts, you can only be racist if you are white. OK, duly noted, you racist piece of dog shit. Didn't Al also use hymies for Jews? Call a group of people "punk-ass faggots" relatively recently? Yup, he hates everything except money. He pimps his own people for personal fame and gain, just like Barry. Funny, Paula Deen used the word "ni66er" 30 years ago, when she was younger, and what happened? Why didn't she get a pass? I hate leftist hypocrites. 

So Al, tell me you POS, how many people were killed because of the lies you told ? How many

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:
Quote of the Day:

"Yes, Trayvon Martin shooting was a tragedy which the usual suspect race baiters and progressive media are using for political gain. Where is the outrage for the recent killings in Chicago of a 6-month-old black baby, 16-year-old black honor student, or 17-year-old black teenager who refused to join a gang? The focus is on the symptoms which promote political gain, not the disease which now afflicts the black community. And I am tired of white liberals invoking the heinous memory of lynchings." --Allen West

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Former NYC Mayor Dunkin Dinkins On Why He Lost To Rudy Giuliani: “It Was Racism, Pure And Simple”

Via NY Times:
Delivering his most explicit and candid appraisal yet, David N. Dinkins says in a forthcoming memoir that he barely won the New York City mayoral election in 1989 and lost four years later by a small margin for one reason: because he is black.
“I think it was just racism, pure and simple,” Mr. Dinkins writes.
In the memoir, “A Mayor’s Life: Governing New York’s Gorgeous Mosaic,” which is to be published in September by PublicAffairs, Mr. Dinkins tiptoes out of his courtly public persona to berate Rudolph W. Giuliani, who defeated him in 1993, and to take a swipe at former Gov. Mario M. Cuomo.
He even admits some missteps, including a failure to contain race riots in Crown Heights, for which he largely blamed his police commissioner, and the prolonged boycott by blacks of a Korean-owned grocery in Brooklyn. [...]
Not surprisingly, Mr. Dinkins aims his most acrid salvos at Mr. Giuliani, describing him as “a cold, unkind person” who “apparently has some difficulty apologizing for anything” and practiced “the politics of boundless ambition without the guidance of a set of core beliefs or the humility and restraint of experience.”
He accuses Giuliani operatives of spying on his campaign and maintains that the comedian Jackie Mason, in describing Mr. Dinkins as a “fancy schvartze,” was “essentially calling me a nigger.” Mr. Mason, who supported Mr. Giuliani in his race against Mr. Dinkins, declined to comment. Mr. Dinkins said Mr. Giuliani’s underlying divisive message was: “The city is in terrible financial straits. Do you really want a black man presiding over it in this time of trouble?”

"I got a flat tire today, I'm pretty sure it was the result of racism. Race, race, race, I'm sick of f**king hearing it. But I think I'm going to feel much sicker in the weeks ahead. So now Dunkin Dinkins is coming out of his racist closet and getting into the act. Great! Now they are all going to crawl out of their gutters and start bitching. So you think that it was racisim that prevented you from getting re-elected Dunkin? Bull shit, you lost because you had the city in chaos, high crime, high taxes, lots of debt and corruption. But the tennis courts were safe, right Dunkin? No you POS. You lost because you were a shity mayor. As for racism your showing where the racism in

Conrad the Constitution Episode 2 - 2nd Amendment

NewsBusted 7/16/13

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

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Joke of the Day:
Quote of the Day:

  "Via Hot Air, we learn that the Teamsters and UNITE-HERE are finding out what’s in ObamaCare after they marched out their shock troops to make sure that it got passed. They’re finding out that the predictions about ObamaCare’s sharknado-like effects on the economy were all true. So they’ve written a strongly worded letter...

... Some of us predicted these effects long before ObamaCare became law. The Tea Party rose up to stop ObamaCare, only to have Big Labor’s thugs turn out to provide the Democrats’ muscle in making sure that it passed.

Now they have thugs’ remorse. Color me unimpressed with their letter-writing skills.

If Big Labor really wants this devastating law repealed, they have 2014 and a choice: They can stick with the Obama-Reid-Pelosi Democrats, or they can help elect Republicans and Democrats who credibly promise to repeal the law. Their actions will say volumes more than one angry letter can ever say." --Bryan Preston


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3