The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Barry Continues With His Class Warfare, Blasts America’s “Winner-Take-All Economy,” “Inequality Of Opportunity”

Via Washington Examiner:
President Obama told an Illinois audience that vicious trends in the United States “winner-take-all” economy have diminished the economic opportunities available to Americans.
“The trend of a winner-take-all economy, where a few are doing better and better and better,” Obama said, “those trends have been made worse by the recession. This growing inequality — not just of result, [but] inequality of opportunity — it’s not just morally wrong; it’s bad economics.”
Obama then faulted Republicans for opposing Obamacare, “despite the fact that our businesses have created nearly twice as many jobs in this recovery as they had at the same point in the last recovery, when there was no Obamacare,” as his prepared remarks have it.

The face of the Devil

"Approval rating in the tank. Everyone still hates health care law and want to destroy it. No jobs, won't drill, no pipeline, no no no to the economy. He falls back on the only thing he knows, blame it on the Republicans and the middle class. Class warfare at its best by the Divider In Chief. I am so damn sick of this f**king idiot! How did this country ever allow this asshole to even be on a ballot, let alone get elected. I inderstand, we all know how that happened, but really, twice? Blame, blame, blame, that's all this Community Organizer knows. He's too f**king stupid and lazy to work it out. I didn't mean to leave out stupid. I simply despise this jerk. 

I'm so sick of this bile-spewing idiot that I really can't take it anymore. He's a blatant, bold-faced liar that hasn't once told the truth since he's been in office. He has no grasp of the economy and
anything else of importance because his inflated ego trumps everything else. And they called Clinton the Teflon president. They circled the wagon's around Clinton. Nobody could touch him. The man was a pig and the media still praised him. Well this guy has armor plated Teflon. Nothing ever sticks to this asshole. Not a scandal, a crisis, high crimes and misdemeanors, nothing! This guy never takes leadership for a thing, and now the bar is set so low, I do wonder if anything ever will. 

This is the same f**king speech he's been giving on the economy for the last 5 years, the only thing new is he claims victory for this piece of shit economy instead of using the stats to blame Bush. Anyone notice that Hussein wants to take it all from the winners? In Barry's mind, the winners didn't earn it, but the slaker's deserve it. He's been blaming people who create jobs and work hard since he got elected. And while he was making his speech, did you see all the Obamabots sitting there behind the Dipshit in Chief nodding their collective little heads in agreement with him spewing all his socialist bullshit. Bobbleheads will do that. That's right you libtard loser. Blame us for your failures. You have to have someone to blame, because it surely couldn't be because your an incompetent POS! Looks like it's time to push for impeachment, resignation or push for criminal charges. I'd bet there's grounds for all three if you look in the right places. Enough is enough." MC

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