Picture of the Day:
Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
"Via Hot Air, we learn that the Teamsters and UNITE-HERE are finding out what’s in ObamaCare after they marched out their shock troops to make sure that it got passed. They’re finding out that the predictions about ObamaCare’s sharknado-like effects on the economy were all true. So they’ve written a strongly worded letter...
... Some of us predicted these effects long before ObamaCare became law. The Tea Party rose up to stop ObamaCare, only to have Big Labor’s thugs turn out to provide the Democrats’ muscle in making sure that it passed.
Now they have thugs’ remorse. Color me unimpressed with their letter-writing skills.
If Big Labor really wants this devastating law repealed, they have 2014 and a choice: They can stick with the Obama-Reid-Pelosi Democrats, or they can help elect Republicans and Democrats who credibly promise to repeal the law. Their actions will say volumes more than one angry letter can ever say." --Bryan Preston
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