The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hussein Compares America Hating Commie Nelson Mandela To George Washington…

“If there is a country in the world that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America.” Nelson Mandela.

Really Nellie? What about Nazi Germany? The Soviet Union? The People's Republic of China? North Korea? Or any of the dozens of banana republics and Islamic republics that regularly brutalize their citizens or neighboring countries or support terrorist groups? Really Nellie, and America in you pea sized brain is the country that has committed unspeakable atrocities? What an asshole you are. And a note to Barry, Don't ever use the name George Washington again. In fact, wash your f**king mouth out with soap for even saying it once. Remember, Washington wasn't a Commie. Can't say that for Mandela or Hussein. I take back everything I ever thought about Biden. Hussein is the biggest fool in the Country. I mean really, doesn't he ever get tired of making a complete ass of himself? Of course not, he is a narcissistic, racist,  community organizer, and all this is over his head. I'm sure if George Washington were alive today, he would compare Barry to Alfred E. Newman. I'm sure Barry is inspired of the way Mandela turned South Africa into a shithole. He's trying his best to do that here, but it's taking longer than expected.

That's right America, just keep giving those countries who hate us money to keep on hating us. Trillions of our hard earned tax dollars have gone to aid in Africa. All we do is enable these worthless countries to verbally abuse us as Barry does. What nation will come help all our impoverished when they can't afford medical care. Not one. Like during katrina, I think a couple of countries sent $1000 and an IOU. Couldn't understand why. After all, they had Nagin, the mayor of "chocolate city". Nagin made sure the casinos were rebuilt, not the levees made safe. And then he blamed the government for not rebuilding the levees. And the left went right along with it so they could blame Bush for everything that was wrong. That whole thing was such a set up job. As long as he got the casinos rebuilt, life was good for the POS criminal, lying, bastard thief. But anyway, back to the topic at hand, Hussein says, "Our thoughts and those of Americans and people all around the world are with Nelson Mandela and his family and all of South Africans. Excuse me Barry, don't tell me where my thoughts are, beccause they are definatly not there. They are not with South Africa and definatley not with that America hating phoney Mandela. Mandela was a Communist terrorist who was made into a saint by the Left. He was, what we call today, a terrorist. Barry should read up on his biography. All of a sudden he is a Mandela expert? I don't think so, Just another opportunity to make himself relevant, plus the fact that Hussein doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. Our Commander in Grief has flipped out. Nelson Mandela was a committed Communist. Just like our president. Of course Mandela is an inspiration to Barry. So where are my thoughts Hussein, they are looking ahead to the day this America hating commie checks out of Hotel Earth, then I'm going to celebrate another Commie going home to Hell! Too bad; gonna suck to be him. Can you imagine the freakshow from Barry we’ll be treated to at this guys funeral? Secretly, he’s longing for it. After all, funerals always make good sites for Democrat campaign rallies.

King Puttz may say "he knows Nelson Mandella" but no way in hell does he know "George

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the Day.

Picture of the Day:


Joke of the Day:


Quote of the Day:

  "Obama is a man of ideas. And he has surrounded himself with men and women who share his ideas. For Obama and his advisers, what matters are not the facts, but the theoretical assumptions - the ideas - that determine their policies. If they like an idea, if they find it ideologically attractive, then they base their policies on it. Consequences and observable reality are no match for their ideas. To serve their ideas, reality can be deliberately distorted. Facts can be ignored, or denied." --Caroline Glick

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The San Francisco Sea Hag Says: Shillary “Would Be The Best-Prepared Person To Enter The White House In Decades”.

SUSAN PAGE, USA TODAY: You were of course the first and so far the only woman to serve as Speaker of the House, and you’ve been an advocate for women in leadership positions for many years. And I wonder, do you think that you party is now coalescing behind a woman, Hillary Clinton, to be the presidential nominee in 2016?
NANCY PELOSI, HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: I think so, I think so. There’s a great deal of excitement about the prospect that she would run. I don’t understand why she wouldn’t. If Hillary Clinton, Secretary Clinton were to run — and we think if she ran, she would win — I believe that she would be the best-prepared person to enter the White House in decades, in decades, with all due respect to her husband, present company and other presidents.

"That's right Nancy, you brain dead, botox loving POS, never mind the wake of dead bodies Shillary left on her watch as Sec. Of State. What difference does it make to you? Is that a part in the Botox Bitch's hair or is that a scar where they sucked her brains out and filled her skull full of shit? In my opinion Nancy, aka The San Francisco Sea Hag, both you and The Benghazi Bitch needs to go away. So is she saying Hussein was NOT the best-prepared person in 2008 and 2012? Racist. Didn't Botox tell us Hussein was the smartest man to ever run? How'd that work out? What makes her the most prepared Asshole, is it the records she hid while she was at the Rose Law Firm? Or is it the failed health care act she supported? Or maybe it was her short unremarkable stint as Carpet Bagging Senatorfrom NY. Wait, I know, it was those four years of failures as Sec. of State, whre she supported the Mad Mullahs in Iran, the Arab Spring, Reset with the Russians, renewed ties with Assad at Syria, followed by civil war, North Korea, and Bengahzi. If that's prepared I'd hate to see unprepared. Oh wait, that's Barry. If being and hanging around the most polished liars in this Republics history is experience, she's solid gold. Maybe Piglosi thinks Pants suit will pick her for VP? You know it. After all, the Democraps did pick Biden, jus' sayin'. You think you don't recognize America now, wait until Shillary gets her hands on it. Yeah, "best-prepared" is what I think of when it comes to someone who left four people to die in Benghazi and blamed a YouTube video for it.

Sadly the media will claim she is supremely qualified, and the whimpy Republican candidate will

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the Day.

Picture of the Day:


Joke of the Day:


Quote of the Day:

 "If the family collapses, it will take a welfare state to take care of the women and children, and a police state to handle the boys." --George Gilder

Friday, June 28, 2013

Chuck U Schumer Before Senate Vote On Immigration Bill Says: “To Reject This Bill Would Tear The Fabric Of America Asunder”.

"Schumer. What a waste of air. Chuck the Schmuck is a traitor to America. All libs are, they hate America the way it was intended, the way that made America the greatest country in history. "To tear down this bill would reject the fabric assunder". Hey Chuck U, to pass it will burn the US to the ground. What a used up old douchebag you are. Obviously someone else wrote that for him, since it is not in crayon and contains words with more than one syllable. This guy

Mooch Likens Her Upbringing To African Children’s, Oh Really.

"Lying Bitch. This couple makes a mess everywhere they go. But hey I'm just a 'crazy-ass cracker', what do I know? Reports were that Mooch spent her teen years reading romance novels and trying to avoid work of any kind. Just like the children in Senegal. Moochelle tells of the log cabin that she grew up in and how she had to walk miles each day to school. Oh sorry, that was Abe Lincoln. On any American's Worst day, they have never had to live in abject poverty like Africa. You are an embarrassment to my country as a first lady and a miserable excuse for a human being.I deeply despise this "woman". 

Yeah, your parents worked hard to send you to a university so you could earn a Law Degree and by the way, what happened with your Law License, exactly? Then, right after law school Mooch got a job at a law firm, but she found she was actually expected to do something, so she quit. The

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the Day.

Picture of the Day:


Joke of the Day:


In Texas there is a town called New Braunfels, where there is a large German-speaking population.                        
One day, a local rancher driving down a country road noticed a man
using his hand to drink water from the rancher's stock pond.
The rancher rolled down the window and shouted:
"Sehr angenehm! Trink das Wasser nicht.  Die kuehe haben darein geschissen."  
This means: Glad to meet you!  Don't drink the water.  The cows have crapped in it."
The man shouted back: "I'm from New York and just down here campaigning for Obama's health care plan.  I can't understand you.  Please speak in English."
The rancher replied: "Use both hands."

Quote of the Day:

  "Whatever the wisdom of the Iraq war in the first place, when Obama came to office in January 2009 the war was won. Al-Qaeda in Iraq had been routed. Nouri al-Maliki’s Shiite government had taken down the Sadr Shiite extremists from Basra all the way north to Baghdad. Casualties were at a wartime low; the civil war essentially over.

We had a golden opportunity to reap the rewards of this too-bloody war by establishing a strategic relationship with an Iraq that was still under American sway. Iraqi airspace, for example, was under U.S. control as we prepared to advise and rebuild Iraq’s nonexistent air force.

With our evacuation, however, Iraqi airspace today effectively belongs to Iran — over which it is flying weapons, troops and advisers to turn the tide in Syria. The U.S. air bases, the vast military equipment, the intelligence sources available in Iraq were all abandoned. Gratis. Now we’re trying to hold the line in Jordan.

Obama is learning very late that, for a superpower, inaction is a form of action. You can abdicate, but you really can’t hide. History will find you. It has now found Obama." --Charles Krauthammer

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Nanny Bloomturd Sets His Sights On A New Target: Banning Sparklers.

"This man should not be allowed out in public. Can someone in New York please find Bloomturd a hobby? Fly fishing,  skateboarding, Russian Roulette, maybe he can learn to sew? He obviously has waaay too much time on his hands. This jackass should just ban living. Such a stupid, disturbed, insecure little man. What's next, is he going to ban the bubble wrap used in shipping?

John Traitor Kerry Says “There Are No Saudi Fighters” Waging Jihad In Syria.

"So says the Earl of Catsup! God, what a moron. Lurch is as stupid as he looks and dumber than anyone thought possible. Unfit for command best describes this brain dead piece of shit. I believe the Saudi fighters in Syria would disagree with Lurch on that claim. But of course, even if they sent him a video of them killing Syrian soldiers, Lurch would still make the same claim. Oh Lord

Promises, Promises: The track record on Border Enforcement guarantees is not encouraging.

"Thought you would find this interesting." MC

Washington, D.C. (June 26, 2013) – The core criticism to S.744 has been that it places amnesty before enforcement. The concern is that once the illegal population has been legalized, it will be highly unlikely that the bill's promises of enforcement will be honored. The Center for Immigration Studies finds the long track record of broken promises regarding immigration enforcement suggests this concern is warranted. Here are highlights from a long list of those broken promises:

1986 – Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act, which for the first time prohibited the employment of illegal aliens. This was part of a package that included amnesty for long-term illegal aliens who passed criminal checks, paid fees, and took classes on English language and U.S. civics and history. The promised enforcement started weakly and petered out. It got so bad than in 2004, only 3 employers in the entire nation were fined for hiring illegal aliens. An estimated 7-8 million illegal immigrants continue to hold jobs.

1996 – In the wake of the first World Trade Center bombing, Congress passed a wide-ranging enforcement law, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. Among its provisions was a

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the Day.

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Joke of the Day:


Quote of the Day:

 "But to defend traditional marriage is not to condemn, demean, or humiliate those who would prefer other arrangements, any more than to defend the Constitution of the United States is to con- demn, demean, or humiliate other constitutions. To hurl such accusations so casually demeans this institution. In the majority's judgment, any resistance to its holding is beyond the pale of reasoned disagreement. To question its high-handed invalidation of a presumptively valid statute is to act (the majority is sure) with the purpose to "dis- parage," "injure," "degrade," "demean," and "humiliate" our fellow human beings, our fellow citizens, who are homo- sexual. All that, simply for supporting an Act that did no more than codify an aspect of marriage that had been unquestioned in our society for most of its existence— indeed, had been unquestioned in virtually all societies for virtually all of human history. It is one thing for a society to elect change; it is another for a court of law to impose change by adjudging those who oppose it hostes humani generis, enemies of the human race." --Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jesse Jackass Gets In On The Voting Rights Act Outrage: This Is A “Devastating Blow”…

"Didn't take long for the libtard racists to start crying and shoot off their filthy mouths about the correct Supreme Court decision did it? All the race baiting whores are once again coming out of their caves to parade their racist faces in front of the libtard media cameras to keep their dream alive, and thats to make sure that the people they think they are supporting stay poor so they can continue their racist mascarade.

Ah, didn't take Jesse long to show his f**king face did it. No sir, only in the American race hustling business could this mush- mouthed hare-lipped crook find relevance and riches. Poor Jesse, one of the things he held dear in his protection scams is gone. Puts a big damper on voter

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the day.

Picture of the Day:


Joke of the Day:

 obama, obama jokes, benghazi, climate change, stilton jarlsberg, hope n' change, hope and change, tea party, conservative, coal, economy

Quote of the Day:

"The sponsors of the Corker-Hoeven substitute fell short of the votes they expected tonight to advance what they had erroneously billed to other Senators as a strong border security amendment. Failure to capture the votes they anticipated for this motion demonstrates the building unease this 1,200-page legislative monstrosity has created. I expect that unease will increase as Senators learn more about what’s really inside this proposal.

The Gang of Eight and their allies revealed their true tactics tonight. They shut down debate and blocked amendments to a 1,200-page immigration bill that no one has read. It was anything but the open and fair process that they had promised.

What we know for absolute certain is that this bill guarantees three things: instantaneous amnesty, permanent lawlessness, and a massive expansion in legal immigration that will reduce wages for working Americans. This legislation is a crushing blow to the working people of this country, a surrender to illegality, and a capitulation to special interests over the interests of the citizens we pledged to represent." --Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Gang Of 8 Assholes Immigration Bill Gets More Than 60 Votes Needed To Advance In The Senate

"Traitors every damn one of them who voted to get this bill to the point of being approved. There are no conservative republicans in that list. They are all lying pieces of democrap shit in a suit. The RINO's in the Senate want the House to be looked at as the obstructionists, giving cover to their Democrap buddies. Its the usual assholes, Corker, Flake,Graham, Ayotte, Chiesa, Hatch, Heller, Hoven, Kirk, McCain, Rubio, Wicker and Murkowski. Everyone of these assholes should be gone. And Rubio, that sellout just sealed his fate as a conservative presidential hopefull. Better find another party moron. More than 60 US Senators have voted to betray every legal American.

I will support whoever runs against that RAT Rubio. Same for Flake and Graham. I doubt that old asshole rhino McCain will make it to another election. It wouldn`t surprise me if the bastard announced his retirement this year as even his f**king brain realizes he won`t get elected again. Damn traitors to each and everyone of us! But unlike the low information voters with a short memory span, conservatives never forget or forgive!" MC

List of 15 Republicans who voted to invoke cloture on Hoeven-Corker amendment:

Lamar Alexander
Kelly Ayotte
Jeffrey Chies
Susan Collins
Bob Corker
Jeff Flake
Lindsey Graham
Orrin Hatch
Dean Heller
John Hoeven
Mark Kirk
John McCain
Lisa Murkowski
Marco Rubio
Roger Wicker

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the day.

Picture of the Day:


Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

 "It’s true, we have a two-party system in America: The Evil Party, and the Stupid Party. And every once and a while the Evil Party and the Stupid Party get together to pass something really evil and stupid. That’s called “bipartisanship.”" --M. Stanton Evans via Power Line

Monday, June 24, 2013

Libtard Dipshit Ed Schultz Slams “White People” For Being “Pissed Off” At Illegal Immigration, “Have A Hard-On For These People”.

"I don't know what Eddie is talking about but where I come from, if you have a hard on for something that means you like it. But then no one ever accused Eddie of being bright. He's as bright as a just blown out candle. He does know that blacks are also opposed to amnesty right? He didn't get the memo that many Hispanics are against illegals as well. No, he didnt get that memo, and probably never will. It doesn't fit the BSDNC narrative. Everyone is against amnesty except the illegals and Washington. You want to know why it is that "white people" are pissed off at illegals that want to be here? Why is it that "white people" are mad at illegals you claim are willing to work hard and contribute to America? Because we are racist? Wrong asshole. They broke the law. It's that damned simple you f**king dumbass. Speaking of "white people," Ed, have you looked in the mirror lately? You're not exactly a Zulu chief. Is saying stupid shit like this part of the way you keep your Honorary I AM Not A Racist Club Membership current? I love immigrants. My grandfather's and Grandmother's descendants came here as immigrants. But they did so legally. I

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the day.

Picture of the Day:


Joke of the Day:

Death of a language

Quote of the Day:

  "...the Gang of 8 bill and the Corker amendment are supposed to provide public guarantees that the laws will be enforced as written, but in fact there is a loophole large enough to drive a political agenda through.

There is every reason to expect this discretion to be abused to widen amnesty.

We have seen how the Obama administration unlawfully refused to enforce the immigration laws as to removal proceedings, as a federal judge found.

Now they want you to trust that they will not waive enforcement of other provisions in the name of what they deem to be the public interest.

The rush to a vote in the Senate does not allow time to fully understand all the provisions. And that’s why the rush is taking place." --William A. Jacobson

Sunday, June 23, 2013

THE CASH FURNACE: 66 mind-blowing ways the federal government wastes your hard-earned money

"Thought you might find this interesting." MC

Why did the U.S. government spend 2.6 million dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly?  Why did the U.S. government spend $175,587 "to determine if cocaine makes Japanese quail engage in sexually risky behavior"?  Why did the U.S. government spend nearly a million dollars on a new soccer field for detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay?  This week when I saw that the IRS was about to pay out 70 million dollars in bonuses to their employees and that the U.S. government was going to be leaving 7 billion dollars worth of military equipment behind in Afghanistan, it caused me to reflect on all of the other crazy ways that the government has been wasting our money in recent years.  So I decided to go back through my previous articles and put together a list.  I call it "The Waste List".

Even though our politicians insist that there is very little that can still be cut out of the budget, the truth is that the federal budget is absolutely drowning in pork.  The following are 66 crazy ways that the U.S. government is wasting your hard-earned money:

#1 The IRS is about to pay out 70 million dollars in bonuses to employees even though discretionary bonuses are supposed to be cancelled due to the sequester.
#2 According to the Washington Post, the U.S. government is going to leave 7 billion dollars worth of military equipment behind in Afghanistan.
#3 It is being projected that the trip that the Obamas will be making to Africa will cost U.S. taxpayers $100,000,000.
#4 The NIH plans to spend $509,840 on a study that "will send text messages in 'gay lingo' to methamphetamine addicts to try to persuade them to use fewer drugs and more condoms."
#5 The National Science Foundation has given $384,949 to Yale University to do a study on “Sexual Conflict, Social Behavior and the Evolution of Waterfowl Genitalia”.  Try not to laugh, but much of this research involves examining and measuring the reproductive organs of male ducks.
#6 The IRS spent $60,000 on a film parody of “Star Trek” and a film parody of “Gilligan’s Island”.  Internal Revenue Service employees were the actors in the two parodies, so as you can imagine the acting was really bad.
#7 The NIH has given $1.5 million to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts to study why “three-quarters” of lesbians in the United States are overweight and why most gay males are not.
#8 The NIH has also spent $2.7 million to study why lesbians have more “vulnerability to hazardous drinking”.
#9 The U.S. government is giving sixteen F-16s and 200 Abrams tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt even though the new president of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi (a member of the Muslim Brotherhood), constantly makes statements such as the following…
“Dear brothers, we must not forget to nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred towards those Zionists and Jews, and all those who support them”
#10 During 2012, the salaries of Barack Obama’s three climate change advisers combined came to a grand total ofmore than $370,000.
#11 Overall, 139 different White House staffers were making at least $100,000 during 2012, and there were 20 staffers that made the maximum of $172,200.
#12 Amazingly, U.S. taxpayers spend more than 1.4 billion dollars a year on the Obamas.  Meanwhile, British taxpayers only spend about 58 million dollars on the entire royal family.
#13 During 2012, $25,000 of federal money was spent on a promotional tour for the Alabama Watermelon Queen.
#14 The U.S. government spent $505,000 “to promote specialty hair and beauty products for cats and dogs” in 2012.
#15 NASA spends close to a million dollars a year developing a menu of food for a manned mission to Mars even though it is being projected that a manned mission to Mars is still decades away.

“Jersey Shore” Dumb Ass Reality Star Snooki “Prays” Her Son Turns Out To Be Gay.

"I pray God dries up her plumbing before she can reproduce again. Saw this and couldn't not comment. If the saying 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree' holds true, it's for damn sure that the kid won't be too bright. Do they come anymore brain dead than her? Dumb as a box of rocks. Apparently the the amount of blood needed to maintain her ass and tits has starved her brain. The kid should be removed from her care the minute it is born. And to think more people are interested in this dumb bitch  than Hussein destroying the country. There comes a point where stupidity reaches a lethal level and nature steps in to take care of it. We should have never started putting warning labels on everything, so if morons like Snooki wanted to blow dry her hair in the shower we should let nature take its course.

So, if the baby turns out to be straight, she'll be disappointed? Apparently, this fat sack of shit was unaware that all she had to say was "I'll love my son whether he's straight or gay". But to say that would have required that she have at least two firing brain cells. But it got her name back in the news and that's all that matters. She's an attention whore as well as a plain old regular

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the day.

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Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

 "Looking back, the IRS scandal helps explain a lot of the things this administration has done. You all remember the President wagging his finger at the Supreme Court during his 2010 State of the Union address. Well, I assure you this little piece of presidential theater wasn’t done for the ratings. There was a good reason the President and his allies devoted so much time and energy to denouncing the Citizens United case. But it’s not the reason they gave.

I realize this may be shocking to some of the interns in the crowd. But the fact is, the Court’s decision was actually fairly unremarkable. All it really said was that, under the First Amendment, every corporation in America should be free to participate in the political process, not just the ones that own newspapers and TV stations. In other words, there shouldn’t be a carve-out when it comes to political speech for folks who own media companies. It was a good and fair decision aimed at leveling the playing field.

The real reason the Left was so concerned about Citizens United was that they thought it meant more conservatives would start to form what are known as social welfare organizations — something they’d been doing, with groups like Planned Parenthood and the Sierra Club, for years. And what’s notable about social welfare groups is they don’t have to disclose their donors. That was the main concern of the President and his allies. They weren’t interested in the integrity of the process. If they were, they’d have been just as upset at Left-wing groups for maintaining the privacy of their donors. What they really wanted was a hook that enabled them to stir up outrage about conservative groups, so they could get their hands on the names of the folks who supported them — and then go after them. " --Sen. Mitch McConnell

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Reid: Ted Kennedy is 'Going to Smile' Down on Us

Dingy will be shocked to hear most people do not find this to be a good thing.

"Looking down Harry? Not so much. Definitely looking up. Figures, the old libtard, Tales from the Crypt looking bastard doesn't know his up from down. Heaven down, hell up. Get my point jackass. Ted's in hell, and I you will be reunited with him someday.Although I rather doubt that Ted Kennedy’s in any position to be “smiling down” on anyone, given where he most likely is now, I’m sure that you are right Harry that he’d be pleased. He did dedicate his life to destroying America, after all.This just in Harry, nobody gives a shit about that dead bloated libtard drunk anymore except you and the rest of the democrap party. 
Kennedy is the evil ghost of amnesty past. We all know Senator Swimmer is the patron saint of the democrap party, but truth be told Harry, he left a girl to drown in his car so he could go call his lawyer. The POS known as Ted Kennedy also did not report the incident to the police. What a guy. He was also thown out of Harvard for cheating, played "Sandwich the Waitress" with his

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the day.

Picture of the Day:


Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

 "I find it repugnant to the system of government under which we are supposed to be operating. I find it even repugnant to Article 6 of the Constitution which makes it clear that there’s one kind of Constitutional Amendment that is never appropriate.
You can’t amend the Constitution to deny any state its equal representation in the Senate. And if at any moment we end up with a situation in which we have second-class Senators, Senators that may commit and propose for debate and discussion and a vote on an amendment, and if we have to go to the Majority Leader and say, ‘Mother, may I?’ then perhaps we have something. Perhaps we have lost the environment in which each of the states were supposed to receive equal representation.
It also seems to me to take on a certain character, a certain banana republic quality that we’re asked to vote on legislation--in many circumstances, just hours or even minutes after we have received it. We take on a certain rubber stamp quality when we do that. I remember a few months ago, in connection with the fiscal cliff debate, as we approached the fiscal cliff on New Year’s Eve, we were told by our respective leaders, "just wait, something’s coming. Go back to your offices, watch your televisions, play with your toys, do whatever it is that you do but be good senators, run along and stay out of trouble. We’re taking care of this. We’ll send you legislation as soon as we’re ready." --Sen. Mike Lee

Friday, June 21, 2013

Chelsea Clinton Regrets Her Grandmother Did Not Have Access to Planned Parenthood…

From the stage at the recent Women Deliver conference, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”Chelsea’s grandmother was born of an unintended pregnancy. And new research shows that her family is not alone in treasuring a person who – if Planned Parenthood had been successful – would not have been born.

"Ok who elses first thought was after reading the title was, what a damn shame? Surely it can`t be just me. So Chelsea, let me get this straight, are you saying you wish none of your ancestors had children? Me too. No one regrets that as much as America does, jelly face. Too bad though. Then maybe we wouldn't be cursed with your bitch of a mother. But then again, what else would you expect someone that comes from two morally corrupt people say. It's kind of ironic that the libtards don't know how stupid they sound! Please, go away Chelsea, no one cares about your opinion on anything. Your just another dump in the road.

Well, considering her father is an intern screwing womanizing freak, and her mother is a lying

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the day.

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Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

 "A sale is never an exchange of goods. It’s a transfer of emotion." --Bernadette Jiwa

Thursday, June 20, 2013

What A Difference 5 Years Make.

Berlin 2008 for Hussein's speech.
What a difference five years makes: 200,000 people came out to see then presidential candidate Barack Obama speak in 2008 at the Victory Column, around a mile from his speech today

Berlin 2013 for Hussein's speech.
Sparse: Crowds gather ahead of Obama's speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on Wednesday

"The last real President we had also gave a speech there, Ronald Reagan. Anyone rememeber "Mr. Gorbachov, tear down this wall"? We sure have fallen a long way since then. So let's see, in 2008, 200,000 German's came to hear the Fraud in Chief speak. In 2013, just 4500. That means 195,500 German's realize what a jackass this guy is, but 4500 are still low information German's. That means 97.75% of the people woke up. I would take that percentage here in America any day." MC

Libtard Pulitzer Prize-Winning Racist Author Alice Walker Pens Anti-Semitic Book Comparing Israel To Nazi Germany.

The 12 essays of the section, titled “On Palestine,” which make up a quarter of the book, are rife with comparisons of Israelis to Nazis, denigrations of Judaism and Jews, and statements suggesting that Israel should cease to exist as a Jewish state. Walker’s book also attempts to justify terrorism against Israeli civilians, claiming that the “oppressed” Palestinians should not be blamed for carrying out suicide bombings.“Alice Walker has sunk to new lows with essays that remove the gloss of her anti-Israel activism to reveal someone who is unabashedly infected with anti-Semitism,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director.“She has taken her extreme and hostile views to a shocking new level, revealing the depth of her hatred of Jews and Israel to a degree that we have not witnessed before. Her descriptions of the conflict are so grossly inaccurate and biased that it seems Walker wants the uninformed reader to come away sharing her hate-filled conclusions that Israel is committing the greatest atrocity in the history of the world.”Walker, a Pulitzer Prize-winning African-American writer, essayist and poet, has a long history of biased statements against the Jewish state. In June 2012 she refused to allow an Israeli company to publish a Hebrew edition of her classic novel, “The Color Purple,” in protest of what she described as Israel’s “apartheid” policies and “persecution of the Palestinian people.” Most recently, Walker wrote a letter calling on the singer-songwriter Alicia Keys to cancel her upcoming July 4th concert appearance in Tel Aviv in protest of Israel’s policies.The ADL highlights that in “The Cushion in the Road,” Walker describes Israel’s actions vis-à-vis the Arab population as “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “crimes against humanity,” and “cruelty and diabolical torture”.

Shockingly, she’s also a big Barry Hussein supporter. She also whined over Trayvon's death, she is a race baiter same as Al and Jesse. She's an old style racist feminist always on the lookout for something to slash and burn. She needs to write more. We need the toilet paper. Someone needs to write a book comparing her to Joseph Goebbels. She's another of Oprah's buddies. Oprah sure has soared since that association with Barry and his family hasn't she. Haven't seen her name on Barry's party attendees lists any time lately. If she didn't own her network, she would have been cancelled a long time ago. She is just more proof everything Hussein touches turns to shit.

Another clueless resident for purgatory. Considering, you stupid racist Libtard, that you "paved the way" to make room for the Messiah to run for your state senate seat, which got the asshole in the Shite House off and running, you should have no say in anything. You should be hiding somewhere. Jerk.

RIP James Gandofini

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the day.

Picture of the Day:


Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

 "Obama's campaign promises and election gave me faith that he would lead us toward fixing the problems he outlined in his quest for votes. Many Americans felt similarly. Unfortunately, shortly after assuming power, he closed the door on investigating systemic violations of law, deepened and expanded several abusive programs, and refused to spend the political capital to end the kind of human rights violations like we see in Guantanamo, where men still sit without charge." --NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

BSDNC Anchor: “I Don’t Want To Get Bogged Down” With Whether Babies Feel Pain During Abortion.

In an interview, after Melvin said the evidence that the unborn feel pain before the third trimester is “limited,” Representative Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.) explained to Melvin that the bill dealt with pregnancies at the 20th week or later, and went on to liken unborn infants at this developemntal stage to “tiny little preemies” in a neonatal unit who respond to “the pricks and the prods and the pain.” She also pointed out that surgeons operating on fetuses use anaesthesia. Melvin interrupted her explanation to say, “I don’t want to get bogged down” with the issue. “I think a great deal of people would agree that science and that public opinion is on your side,” he said, before moving to another topic.
Later in the interview, Melvin interrupted Blackburn again to ask whether the bill before the House that would ban almost all abortions after 20 weeks was “purely pandering.” The congresswoman took offense, asking, “Is saving the life of women and babies ‘pandering?’ Absolutely not, I can’t believe you would say something like that.”

"You know, its kind of strange, picturing an entire network burning in hell for eternity. This idiot, along with the other BSDNC 'anchors', doesn't want to get 'bogged down' by forming a coherent, logical, thought, and all have been successful in that regard, to date. Melvin's bucking for his very own Gosnell Award. "Bogged down with" means I don't want to feel guilt, I just wanna be in denial about babies dying in pain. What a piece of shit he is. Lets try the treatment on him, and we will see if it is painful. Melvin is pure trash. I'd like to see if he feels anything when his head is put in a vice or a hole was drilled in his head and his brain sucked out. I'd also like to see him sucked down a toilet. That's fair. What a lowlife scumbag. So sad that Melvin survived Roe V. Wade. 

"Bumps in the road," "What difference does it make?," "Some live, some die," "I don't want to get bogged down,", is it me or does anyone else see a pattern to how the Progressives view LIFE? Remember, libtards put in a lot of effort into calling the slaughter of unborn humans a procedure, a choice, women's health, anything but what it is. Murder. For them to argue if they actually feel

Poll: 70% Believe IRS Decision To Target Conservatives Was Made In DC, Not Cincinnati. Oh Really?

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 82% of voters nationwide are now following the IRS targeting story, including 44% who are following the story “Very Closely.” The overall number of voters who are following is up from 74% a month ago. 70% Believe IRS Decision to Target Conservatives Was Made in DC – Rasmussen

"But… but… but… it was rogue employees. The left wing smear jackasses in the media have some big work to do now to bullshit their way out of this one. Never fear though, there are enough low information voters out there that still light the Hussein candles and pray before their faded and raggedy ass Hussein posters that will believe these assholes. And what of the remaining 30%, 10% believe Tingles is both a Conservative and a journalist, 10% are playing with their own poop, and the final 10% are doing both. And to the 20 to 30 year old voters who all of a sudden are beginning to see the light, I guess if Barry messes with the Constitution and Amendments it is ok, but if he messes with your cell phone and computer, well, thats where you draw the line. Pathetic.

I mean WTF, of course it came from Washington, were not stupid. We told these geniuses this

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the day.

Picture of the Day:

Any height you can wave, I can wave higher...

Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

"Harvard economist George Borjas has recently estimated that low-skilled American workers already suffer wage losses of $402 billion a year because of immigrant labor, a sum that does not include the costs to taxpayers of welfare paid to low-skill immigrant workers and their children. Amnesty proponents should explain how providing legal status to millions of illegal aliens will affect the job prospects of the poorest Americans." --Heather Mac Donald


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3