The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jesse Jackass Gets In On The Voting Rights Act Outrage: This Is A “Devastating Blow”…

"Didn't take long for the libtard racists to start crying and shoot off their filthy mouths about the correct Supreme Court decision did it? All the race baiting whores are once again coming out of their caves to parade their racist faces in front of the libtard media cameras to keep their dream alive, and thats to make sure that the people they think they are supporting stay poor so they can continue their racist mascarade.

Ah, didn't take Jesse long to show his f**king face did it. No sir, only in the American race hustling business could this mush- mouthed hare-lipped crook find relevance and riches. Poor Jesse, one of the things he held dear in his protection scams is gone. Puts a big damper on voter
fraud huh Jessie? Yeah, Jessie, it's too damn bad. States can now take steps to make sure that your "people" only get to vote once and when they're alive. Bummer. Hey, Jesse, you better fly out to Texas because once this decision was handed down, Texas voters are required to show ID in the form of a valid driver's license or DPS issued certificate which they can apply for starting tomorrow. This is a devastating blow to the fraudulent voting you've gotten away with for decades, now you have to scrap your entire game plan. All the racists are crawling out from under their rocks as they see their ability to commit fraud and skim money start to dry up.

You think this is a "devastating blow" Jackass? A "devastating blow" would be what you did to anyone who ever trusted you, you Self-Righteous POS. You have done nothing for black people, you just line your pockets by stirring up shit. I doubt that you and Sharpnuts have ever earned an honest dollar in you pathetic lives! Gravy train has to reach the station sometime Jesse. Cry me a river Jackass, you lying racist asshole. Why don't you just go and visit your corrupt son and stay with him. After all, prison is where your belong, too!" MC

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