The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, June 24, 2013

Libtard Dipshit Ed Schultz Slams “White People” For Being “Pissed Off” At Illegal Immigration, “Have A Hard-On For These People”.

"I don't know what Eddie is talking about but where I come from, if you have a hard on for something that means you like it. But then no one ever accused Eddie of being bright. He's as bright as a just blown out candle. He does know that blacks are also opposed to amnesty right? He didn't get the memo that many Hispanics are against illegals as well. No, he didnt get that memo, and probably never will. It doesn't fit the BSDNC narrative. Everyone is against amnesty except the illegals and Washington. You want to know why it is that "white people" are pissed off at illegals that want to be here? Why is it that "white people" are mad at illegals you claim are willing to work hard and contribute to America? Because we are racist? Wrong asshole. They broke the law. It's that damned simple you f**king dumbass. Speaking of "white people," Ed, have you looked in the mirror lately? You're not exactly a Zulu chief. Is saying stupid shit like this part of the way you keep your Honorary I AM Not A Racist Club Membership current? I love immigrants. My grandfather's and Grandmother's descendants came here as immigrants. But they did so legally. I
have a problem with the ILLEGAL part that you seem to forget. My other problem dipshit is maybe the average of 4,000 American citizens killed each year by illegals. Or the 25,000 drug overdose deaths is the US from illegal drugs brought in by illegals. Or the 28% of car fatalities caused by illegals. Or the 9 diseases that were destroyed in the US that illegals have re-introduced to our population. Or the fact that 65 Americans loose their jobs for every 100 illegals hired. Or the blatant abuse of entitlement programs by illegals. How's that you pathetic race baiter. If they want to contribute and become an American they can come through the front door like lawful immigrants do. Same ol' dumbass libtard, same ol' dumbass lies.

It doesn't matter how may illegals come here Ed, it won't help your viewing stats. They will continue to be non existent. So just do us all a favor Eddie, and STFU." MC

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