"As long as "The Messiah" Barack Oboutme, Moochele Oboutme, and the rest of the Oboutme family get their tax payer paid vacations, golf outings and White House parties, their content. They could care less about the little people. You know, the low information voters that gave them the opportunity to lavish in the life style of the rich and stupid. And if you think about it, the low information voting little people don’t care either. They just continue to gather the benefits that come with the people they elected. The people that want to keep them in the poor house and live off the scraps their government gives them. Trouble is their too damn stupid to realize it. What a bunch of idiots.
Speaking of idiots, I recently was talking to one of the members of America's future generation, who was complaining about how hard it was going to be to get a job once he got out of college, and added that he had to start to pay for his student loans and didn’t know how he was going to do it. I then asked him the $64,000 dollar question, “who did you vote for”? His answer was, "Oboutme". To which I replied quickly, “you’re an asshole and you deserve everything you get”. I hope he enjoys it. I'm sure that after he turns thirty, he will be seeing things different. I hope he can hold on that long.
It's funny that when anyone mentions the Hussein's compassion-less vacations, the libtards get all defensive. It's all because we conservatives are hater's. Hater's? You libs are funny. You're making
the word "hate" become as meaningless as "racist." You morons think that just because people disagree with you it's because we hate. Face it, the Hussein's are nothing more than fraudulent moocher's, sucking every last dime they can while they enjoy the high life. He is no more a president than Bill Clinton.
Yeah, so the telling the truth is hate speech now. Just ask any libtard. Not to mention the complete idiocy of the loony left. How does it feel being part of the useful idiot group? So I guess you weren't a hater when Bush was in office, right? And Bush didn't do any of the criminal acts that this jackass does. What a bunch of hypocritical assholes. I know, by me saying that I'm hateful and a racist. Well, it's still much better than being an imbecile and a douchebag. Hate is your strong suite libtards, not ours. Trouble is, you don't know the difference between hate and truth. Maybe you should try finding out.
So, take a look below at what the First Mooching Family has done with the tax payers money. And to think they want more of it. So since it is obvious they will not change their lifestyle while in power, and why should they since they don't care what the country thinks of them, they continue to say to us mere mortals, "Eat Cake Suckers. And a hearty F**k You." MC
August 2009: The home the Obama family stayed in during their vacation at Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.
August 2009: After their Martha’s Vineyard trip, the Obamas visited the Grand Canyon later that month.
December 2009: The Obamas celebrated Christmas with 20 days in Hawaii.
July 2010: Barack Obama enjoys an ice cream cone during his vacation in Mount Desert Island, Maine.
August 2010: Michelle Obama and her daughters visit Spain.
August 2010: A 10 day Obama vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.
August 2010: The 2nd vacation for the month: The family visits Panama City Beach, Florida.
June 2011: Michelle Obama, her mother and their daughters took in South Africa and Botswana.
August 2011: It was time for yet another trip to Martha’s Vineyard, Mass for the family.
December 2011: The Obamas’ yearly Hawaii vacation.
February 2012: Michelle Obama skis with her daughters in Aspen, Colorado.
December 2012: Swimming at Pyramid Rock Beach in Hawaii.
February 2013: Barack Obama went golfing with Tiger woods at the opulent Floridian Yacht & Golf Club.
March 2013: The Plush Atlantis Resort where Sasha and Malia Obama went for spring break.
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