The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Unhinged Leftist Loon Bully Stomps All Over Pro-Life Signs At Ohio State (VIDEO)

"Imagine the joy of waking up next to her every morning. Typical skank liberal just mad nobody wants to sleep with her. I'll bet she hasn't had a date in a loooooooong time. Another real beauty... YIKES! Probably has Elizabeth Warren posters hanging in her woman-cave. Anyway, and now you understand why BSNBC says your children are not yours, as a community of baby killers they want the decision of whose children should be killed or aborted. And whats up with doesn't want to pay for "welfare babies". Isn't that Klan speak for racism? How come she isn't labeled a racist? Hey Al, where you at? Maybe she should have someone determine if her quality of life is worth living. Typical liberal though, with those extremely ugly black frame Rachel Madcow glasses.
Yuck, what a miserable person. Maybe this libtard should be reminded that we have a president with a cracked head who was a crack head and engaged in "blow" more than once in his past. I am not sure if it is just me but who couldn't tell this person who stomps on signs wasn't just a bit mental, anyway. Sure signs of a libtard. The libtard crazy has to make a point by breaking the law and not just the use of profanity in a public place but destroying the property of others. I would turn the video over to the university. My guess is she should be suspended. Let the skank pay for her actions. Personally someone should have slapped her libtard ass silly. No surprise here really, they stomp on Jesus so why not fetuses. Their little minds are so easily swayed and that is why they became the Obama voters. We are probably looking at a future Democrap congresswoman. Have a nice day! God Loves You!" MC

The Tolerant left on full display. Only tolerant if you agree with them.
Maybe the bully in the video below should listen to what Carol Everett has to say on the subject. Carol was an abortion provider at Planned Parenthood who decided to speak out in a documentary called Blood Money. And maybe the bully in the video should read up on the recent mass-murdering abortion doctor. Why is it the “compassionate” Left are the ones so comfortable with killing innocent people?

The Daily Caller reports the following:
Here’s some amazing (mostly) raw video of an angry woman on the campus of Ohio State University as she destroys and stomps all over a bunch of posters displaying photographs of aborted fetuses.
It’s hard to believe at first that the video isn’t some strange hoax. It was put on YouTube by a strongly anti-abortion group called Created Equal, which has a post-office box in Columbus.
But The Daily Caller has verified that Ohio State University police are investigating damage and vandalism to “Pro-Life sign boards with pictures of aborted babies (approximately 2′x3′ in size),” according to a police report written by campus authorities.
The report indicates that witnesses allege that the incident occurred near the school’s Thompson Library, on the west end of “The Oval,” OSU’s central green.
Near the beginning of the video, we see the unidentified woman tearing up and stepping on triangular poster-board images of fetuses.
A graphic appears, indicating that the date of the recording is April 2, 2013. “Just after setup,” it says, suggesting that the vandalism occurred soon after the group placed its pro-life signs.
The video lasts a grand total of 1 minute and 10 seconds. The abortion-sign assailant manages to step on no less than five double-sided posters during that time, and much of the video’s running time is taken up with a rhetorical question at the beginning and a fundraising appeal at the end.
“You want an overpopulated earth?” the fuming, pro-abortion woman asks. “You want to keep paying taxes for babies that are born to crackheads?”
The enraged emphasis on the word “crackheads” is very nearly poetic.
“You really want that?” she continues, as she aggressively trounces more signage filled with unborn babies.
“You really want a population of people that were born on drugs — that are born into welfare?” she asks incredulously, as she uses her foot to crush the image of a tiny, bloody fetus — its head smaller than a quarter.
“You want to keep paying for that shit?” she asks? “Because I don’t.”

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