The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, April 8, 2013

Democraps sweating Obamacare

"Any Democrap or Rhino who voted for Husseinacare without reading it, should be arrested and jailed for the rest of their pathetic, natural lives. I am openly calling for any person who votes democrap as mentally disturbed and prohibited from owning firearms. Democraps have a lot of balls trying to find and point blame away from themselves. What were they thinking? Did they really think that this 1200+ page monstrosity with its 100,000+ pages of new bullshit regulations was just a wonderful bill that would give everyone coverage and cost less? No they didn't, and they didn't care. These boot licking, ass kissing, Hussein lovers were riding the coat tails of  their Asshole in Chief and would give him anything he wanted. They listened to and believed that lobotomy candidate, speaker of the house, Nancy Piglosi, and her "You have to pass it before you can find out whats in it" bullshit. As more Federal Regulations are revealed when the layers of this cancer are peeled back, and the real cost of this Libtard Entitlement pollution will have Democraps running for cover. Why do you think this was delayed until Hussein was reelected?  The Pennsylvania Avenue Pimp didn't want anyone to see how much it would cost the American Citizen, of which he is not one. Commander Incompetent and his gang of Leftist Radicals have worked the "Rules For Radicals" Game Plan to Perfection. Destroy this country by
Overwhelming the System. It was never about healthcare reform. It was about government takeover of healthcare to include those people in a public sector unions, like teachers, and allow the left to own their votes going forward. It’s not new strategy, it copies the European model to retain political pow in socialist countries, plain and simple. Libtards just do the feel good stuff and feed it to a willing dumbed down, low information voting  population. I say low information voter because it is the politically correct way of saying, moron. They never think about the cost or the fatal consequences. It's their version of their perfect imaginary island. The best part is, not one rebublican voted for this piece of shit Act. That alone has the libtards worried. Can't blame republicans, uh oh. The gotta find someone to blame. What are the democraps to do? Only one thing left to do, and it is what they do best, LIE. But it won't work this time. I must say, when it comes to trying to place blame for this plan, they are pretty much f**ked. This is just proof to how f**king stupid the average democrap is. They always support shit if they think it’s going to be someone else paying for it. Then they whine like the stupid, freeloading sacks of shit they are when it dawns on them that they’re getting financially screwed. It’s like that asshole Bill Mahar who smears and slanders Tea Party people at the drop of a hat and then snivels like a little kid when he realizes they were right about taxes, but still insults them anyway. Screw you Democraps. You’re subhuman vermin, and no civilization will last with assholes like you in it. I believe time is already starting to run out on Husseinacare, and it isn't even implemented yet. The wide-spread, consistent hatred for this unworkable shit stain Act will turn to loud mass hatred before the 2014 Mid-Term Elections. Congressional democrap libtards are looking at a worse ass-kicking than they got in 2010. The Senate will be in conservative hands before we know it! I have to believe that. I can dream, can't I?" MC

Delays in implementing popular pieces of ObamaCare are hurting it with Democrats.
Ahead of an election year in which Republicans promise to make healthcare an issue again, Democrats are criticizing the White House for delaying policies that could help build support for the unpopular law.
Democrats complained this week about a one-year delay in a key program designed to help small businesses — a central selling point for the healthcare law that now won’t be in place when voters head to the polls next year.
“Senate Republicans will have the opportunity to campaign against Obamacare’s rising health care costs, burdensome paperwork and broken promises and could use it to motivate voters against Democrat candidates, especially vulnerable ones in red states,” Republican strategist Ron Bonjean said.
HHS has delayed by one year a provision that would have allowed small businesses in most states to choose from multiple policies for their workers. Although a handful of states will see increased competition next year, most will have just one plan to choose from until 2015.
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) told The New York Times the delay will “prolong and exacerbate health care costs that are crippling 29 million small businesses.”
Democrats are also complaining more openly about other implementation delays. And the substance of the law itself isn’t immune from bipartisan criticism — 33 Senate Democrats cast a non-binding vote last month to repeal the law’s tax on medical devices, saying it’s a threat to innovation that could raise costs for consumers.
The party has long acknowledged that the Affordable Care Act has its flaws. Their new openness about those flaws comes after Obama’s reelection, which ensured that the law would not be repealed before it’s fully implemented.
But it also comes just ahead of the 2014 election cycle, when vulnerable Democrats in conservative states will have to defend their votes for the health law.
Read more:
TIME: ObamaCare Incompetence

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