WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Sunday, March 3, 2013
Guess Who Got Suspended?
"Honestly people, are you surprised? Libtard stupidity trumps common sense in our public education system. How could this have possibly happened? Isn't a school bus a gun free zone? How the hell did the gunman even got on a bus in a gun free/safe zone with a gun? Surely signs were posted! And as for the kid who disarmed the gunman, didn't he have a whistle to blow? What the hell happened? Did you know, schools today, if one student punches another student in the face, the student being punched will be suspended if he or she tries to defend themselves. This is the stupidity of the 0 tolerance policy of the Libtards. You see, these people aren't educators. They
are nothing more than loyal subordinate's of the leftist political machine that is corrupting your children with their marxist ideology. So the hero here is not the boy who took the gun away, it's the one who had the gun. You know, the liberal. And why was this boy punished for stopping what could have been a tragic shooting? I mean after all, he stopped the shooting, he saved a kid or kid's from being killed. Why is he being suspended? Well, that's easy too. You see, Liberals love shootings and dead kids, and what this hero did was stop a tragedy they could have used to help them push their political agenda forward. That's right. It could have been another crisis that they couldn't have wasted. The lefty politicians and corrupt media are so very upset, this would have been great for them and they could have used it if it was not for that meddling kid mucking it all up. I really can’t think of a better reason to be suspended. They don’t want heroes. They need victim's. They need dead bodies to dance on. So of course this suspension makes perfect sense to libtards. Liberals need dead children. Liberals need a body count. We can’t have people disarming and disabling active shooters, that just doesn’t fit their narrative. We have to let people know that when you are face to face with a shooter, you have to let yourself be killed for the good of the their agenda. We must not allow kids to defend themselves or others, it doesn’t fit their narrative. Hopefully by this suspension, it sends the message to the rest of the student body. And I have to ask, why aren’t parents protesting that school after this kid was suspended? Why? For God's sake he may have saved your child from being shot. See this is why this bullshit keeps occurring over and over again! You should get off your asses, go down there and embarrass the hell out of that leftist driven principal. Might I even suggest you use SEIU tactics and picket the homes of the school board members! Pretend you’re the left for once and DO SOMETHING damnit! The terminally stupid are in control, it is time to remove them from all positions of authority. As for the student that disarmed the bad guy, way to go! Worry not about being suspended from that leftist shithole school, as that may be the best thing to ever happen to you. Find a nice private, God loving, Constitution loving, Gun loving school and have your parents enroll you there. Evil lost this time and evil is a poor loser." MC
ABC-7.com WZVN News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral
Florida high school student wrestled a loaded gun away from another teen on the bus ride home this week and was slapped with a suspension in return.
The 16-year-old Cypress Lake High student in Fort Myers, Fla. told WFTX-TV there was “no doubt” he saved a life after grappling for the loaded .22 caliber revolver being aimed point-blank at another student on Tuesday.
“I think he was really going to shoot him right then and there,” said the suspended student, not identified by WFTX because of safety concerns. “Not taking no pity.”
The student said the suspect, a football player, threatened to shoot a teammate because he had been arguing with his friend.
Authorities confirmed to WFTX the weapon was indeed loaded, and the arrest report stated the suspect, identified by WVZN-TV as Quadryle Davis, was “pointing the gun directly” at the other student and “threatening to shoot him.”
That’s when, the teen told the station, he and two others tackled the suspect and wrestled the gun away. The next day, all three were suspended.
“How they going to suspend me for doing the right thing?” he asked.
The school’s referral slip said he was given an “emergency suspension” for being involved in an “incident” with a weapon.
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