"Let's start to ban all malls. Ban all razors. Ban all x-boyfriends. Can't we just limit the length of the razor blade and do background checks when people want to buy them? This senseless violence has to stop. Why hasn't New York pounced on this? Any person who is seen with a beard should be questioned to see if they are carrying a concealed razor blade because we know sure as shit they are definitely not using one to shave.When is Barry Husein going to hold a news conference about these senseless crimes? Where is the presidential commission on banning razors? We're all waiting with bated breath for his infinite wisdom. And the people in the area just stood and looked. Hey news media, why no description of the attackers? Police are looking for "two young women." Can you be more specific? For example: Were they Asian? Suspects must have been Swedish, they fit the profile. But anyway, no problem here folks. No evil assault rifles involved, so let’s just move along now. Just some nice healthy knife play. Nothing to be concerned about. Welcome to Obamanation." MC
A woman is recovering after she was attacked in a very public place and her face was slashed with a razor.
The incident happened Tuesday afternoon in Fayette Mall as shoppers walked by. You’re probably thinking how can this happen in a place as busy as Fayette Mall. Well it did, right out in the open, now police are looking for the two young women who cut up the victim’s face.
“She looked me dead in the eye and smiled at me,” said victim Nicole Kyaw of one of her attackers.
Seconds later Kyaw says two girls tackled her to the ground. “All I remember is just trying to protect my head,” she said.
Her face then was slashed, criss-crossed with a razor or blade of some sort. “I ran to my work,” said Kyaw. “I had a bleeding face. I told my manager to call 911. I didn’t think they sliced my face up like this.”
It was a violent attack Kyaw says happened right outside the Deb store in Fayette Mall. Kyaw, who models sometimes, believes the girls intentionally went after her face. She says she’s acquainted with them by name only after she dated one of their ex-boyfriends. Kyaw doesn’t believe it was a chance encounter. “The witness told me they called my job and asked them what time I was working,” she said.
As police investigate, Kyaw recalls what UK Hospital doctors told her in the ER. "They told me if they went down a little bit more on my neck I would be dead from losing so much blood," she said.
Kyaw hopes the cuts will heal with no scars. As for the investigation, police are calling this an assault-second offense, and arrests are expected.
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