"Everyone that is shocked about this raise their hand. The mayor of Chocolate City busted. I wonder what political party Nagin belongs to? The article doesn't say. Oh, he's a libtard. The fact that it wasn't mentioned tells you exactly what party they belong to. Another libtard scandal. Add him to the list of Charlie Rangal, Marion Berry, BJ Clinton, and let's not forget our dearly departed Leave 'em for Dead Ted Kennedy. Will the media myth that President Bush and the federal government was slow to respond continue? Or will the blame finally be placed where it should be, at the local corrupt level? I absolutely love these type of stories. "What goes around comes around." Now I pray I am around when I can post the same about Barry Husein, Holder, Jarrett, Emanuel, Solis, Sebelius, Napolitatio, you get the idea." MC
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was indicted Friday on charges that he used his office for personal gain, accepting payoffs, free trips and gratuities from contractors while the city was struggling to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.
The charges against Nagin are the outgrowth of a City Hall corruption investigation that already has resulted
in guilty pleas by two former city officials and two businessmen and a prison sentence for a former city vendor.
The federal indictment accuses Nagin of accepting more than $160,000 in bribes and truckloads of free granite for his family business in exchange for promoting the interests of a local businessman who secured millions of dollars in city contract work after the 2005 hurricane. The businessman, Frank Fradella, pleaded guilty in June to conspiracy to commit bribery and has been cooperating with federal authorities.
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