The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, January 13, 2013

It’s a War Zone! More Murders in Chicago in 2012 Than Allied Losses in Afghanistan

"Wait, I don't get it. How can this be possible? Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the entire country. How can they have the most homicides when there are no guns there? And I wonder how many “assault rifles” were involved in these murders? Sure looks like someone forgot to community-organize the place before he left for Washington DC. Oh, and as Chicago's 500th murder victim, does Nathaniel Jackson win anything? Like maybe a free burial and a photo with the mayor? Gotta win something. Oh, and while we are on the subject of Nathaniel, your Bio on Mr. Jackson is making it very hard for me to give a shit about him. Just sayin. Anyway, isn't Mayor Libtard Rham Emanuel doing a great job? He is really keeping the citizens of Chicago safe from that insidious evil known as Chick-Fil-A. Yes sir. Remember them? Maybe after Chicago decides Rahm just can't seem to get the murder rate down, then when Mayor Bloomberg is done with having saved NYC, he can run for Nanny of Chicago for humanitarian purposes. Not only would your murder rate plummet, but life expectancy would increase to 100 years as you would be scared out of smoking and drinking soda.Why not? That wouldn't be a bad idea knowing the way you libtards think. Yes sir, it's really a good thing the fine young children of Chicago are growing up without any being taught any morals or religion, you know, all that crap about heaven, hell, thou-shalt-not-kill, respecting human life, and the like. Wouldn't want to destroy their minds. Let's just let the guns do that." MC

There were 405 Coalition deaths in Afghanistan in 2012.
310 of the 405 deaths were Americans.

Meanwhile in Chicago…
There were 532 homicides in 2012.
Chicago passed a grim milestone last month as the Midwestern metropolis recorded its 500th homicide for the year.
Nathaniel Jackson, pictured above,
is believed to be the 500th murder victimof the year in Chicago.  
The Windy City passed the unfortunate marker Thursday evening, when Nathaniel Jackson, a 40-year-old man with gang affiliations and a long rap sheet, was shot and killed, just months after finishing his most recent run in prison. Jackson, whose felony background goes back more than 20 years and who was likely associated with the city’s notorious Four Corner Hustlers street gang, according to the Chicago Tribune, was shot in the head outside a convenience store on the city's West Side. Chicago police have yet to establish a motive in the shooting of Jackson and have no one in custody, the Tribune reported.
 Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel attributes the rise in homicides, in part, to the broader problem of
illegal guns.

A police officer leaves Noah Foods December 28, 2012 in Chicago, Ill. Nathaniel Jackson, believed to be the 500th murder victim of the year in Chicago, was shot in the head and killed outside the store on December 27. (NY Daily News)

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