"I think it's priceless. Congratulations to Dimitrios Karras for his stroke of genius against the left, specifically the hag Feinstein. You gotta love this guy! Just a question, was the name you gave the site your first choice, or was www.HideousHypypocriticlibtardHag.com taken? Hope he makes a mint! Feinstein and Boxer, to say the least, deserve this kind of thing. Remember Boxer, who's name, like her, is also that of a dog. Call Me "SENATOR"... I may be stupid, but I worked hard for the title! Up yours. Work hard my ass. She's entitled to that senate seat? She never had the stones to debate the Rebublican challenger when running for re-election. What a fraud. These two are nothing more than elite, power hungry, bitches. I love seeing these pompous cows ending up as "victims" for a change. You know what is even more amazing, both of these twits have a CCW permit, further illustrating the hypocrisy of the libtards. Love it! You know whats even more comical, Obozo can't pass e-verify/background check because of his Connecticut fraudulent social security number(s) to get a gun. This is not a birther thing either, it is a fact. Well anyway, if nothing else, knowing that this is going to really piss Sen. Feinstein off. is always a good thing." MC
POST HI-LITE: However, senatorfeinstein.com is not the only domain name Karras registered, telling TheDC that the next domain name to be released will be for California Sen. Barbara Boxer.
California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein — a staunch supporter of gun control — may soon regret not registering her own domain name, since senatorfeinstein.com will now be run by a firearm parts and accessories store that will use the site to promote gun rights.
“COMING SOON! Senator Feinstein’s Biggest Fan Page,” reads the title of the new pro-gun site,senatorfeinstein.com. “Someone didnt [sic] register their own name… This should be fun. Thats right Dianne your biggest fan site is going to be run by AresArmor.com…”
The domain name was created by California resident Dimitrios Karras on Jan. 4, 2013, according to GoDaddy.com. Karros is the CEO of the gun parts and accessories store Ares Armor, which will now run the site.
Karras said that he was frustrated when he saw how Feinstein and other members of Congress managed the commenters that criticize them on their Facebook pages, and that he wanted to have platform where people could say whatever they wanted.
“[Feinstein's] got a big mouth on her, she thinks she’s pretty much the queen of the state. She almost thinks she’s the queen of the country,” he said.
“What we’re most likely going to do with this is, literally leave it open-ended,” Karras told TheDC News
Foundation. “We’re going to put up a few posts and everything like that, but we’re not going to be moderating any of the comments. So it’s one of those things where people are going to be able say whatever the heck they want.”
“My thing is I may not agree with what people have to say, but I’m going to defend to the death their right to say it,” he said.
However, senatorfeinstein.com is not the only domain name Karras registered, telling TheDC that the next domain name to be released will be for California Sen. Barbara Boxer.
“She’s not the only one that we registered,” Karras said. “She’s just the first one that we’ve released.”
Feinstein — the author of the Assault Weapons Ban bill that expired in 2004 — has promised to introduce updated gun control legislation early this year, according to a statement.
“On the first day of the new Congress, I intend to introduce a bill stopping the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of assault weapons as well as large ammunition magazines, strips and drums that hold more than 10 rounds,” said Feinstein. “I am in the process of gathering support for the bill in the Senate and House.”
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