The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

“You Have Two Years to Live” – An Open Letter to the Incoming Republican House Members of the 113th Congress

A great piece from Dr. Jack Wheeler

Dear GOP House Members and Members-Elect -
Congratulations to you all for surviving the absurd calamity of November 6th. You need to know what’s in store for you.
To put it bluntly, you have two years to live. Politically live as the House Majority, that is. You are going to be
demonized and destroyed by the Chicago Gangsters who run the White House and the presstitutes of the CorruptMedia. Your chances of retaining your majority in 2014 are 0%.
The question is: what are you going to do with these two years? Realize that the political outcome will be the same no matter what you do. While many of you may individually survive and be reelected in 2014, collectively your majority will be gone and you’ll all be just minority schmucks.
So if you plan to cringe, compromise, and cooperate with the gangsters just to be reelected as a minority schmuck, why not just quit now, resign and collect your pension – rather than continue a charade in order to keep your perks of power for a little while longer, and all that while you’ll have to look into the mirror every morning and see a coward?
Why not, then, see someone of courage in that mirror instead? There is a power that only you – a majority of members of the House – have that neither the Senate, the President nor any of his agencies, nor even the Supreme Court has. If you choose to exercise it, you will be feared and respected, instead of being Obama’s poodles.
But far more importantly, you will have done your patriotic duty to protect your country from the lethal damage Obama is poised to inflict upon it.
The power the House Majority uniquely has is the Other Golden Rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules. Article I Section 7 of the Constitution states it very clearly and without ambiguity: “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.”
The President with his Executive Orders and multitude of agencies and departments, Harry Reid’s Senate, the Supreme Court, no part of the vast US Federal Government has the Constitutional authority to spend a dime that you don’t give them. You all, of course, know this. What is required of you now is to act on it.
The day after the Catastrophe of November 6, Harry Reid loudly proclaimed that the Federal Government will soon require the debt ceiling raised another $2.4 trillion – and that when the time comes to do so, “We’ll raise it.”
The question to ask Mr. Reid is: “What do you mean ‘we,’ kemosabe?” Harry and every other Senator has no say in the matter. If you, the House Majority do not vote to raise the debt ceiling, it is not raised, no matter what temper tantrums Harry or the President have or threats they make.
Right now, as you read this, your children and grandchildren – in fact, every single American under 18 – is saddled with over $216,000 of federal debt they will be expected to pay off. They can’t, they won’t, and it is immoral in the extreme to expect them to. Their debt has to be defaulted upon. The way to start is to refuse to raise the debt ceiling.
Just to be clear – when I say you have two years left to live politically, that’s a best case scenario. Unless you roll over and become Obama’s poodles, being a Republican Congressman will be the most dangerous job in America.
You will get death threats, so many you’ll lose count, and there may well be actual attempts on your life. The CorruptMedia will oppo-research every hidden nook and cranny of your life to smear and expose whatever dirt they can find on you.
You must understand that America now has a government run by gangsters – by crooks, thieves, looters, and thugs who will be utterly ruthless in ruining you if you try to be in their way. Putin’s Russia, Chavez’s Venezuela, has come to America.
So if you don’t have the courage to band together and stand up to them, quit now. They can’t spend money you don’t give them. They will do whatever it takes, legal or illegal, to force you to give it to them.
If you can’t say No to raising the debt ceiling, if you can’t Defund Obamacare and the EPA and Obama’s Executive Orders, if you can’t refuse to appropriate money for more Food Stamps and Obama’s crony capitalist subsidies, quit now.
But if you can say No, if you can Defund, then you will be heroes to at least half of America, the half that stands for honesty, decency, and protecting our children’s future. Make us proud or be gone. This is your chance to be heroes – or to be schmucks. Make these next two years the time you live up to the character and courage of America’s Founders.
Right now, history has chosen you to be America’s only hope to avoid her falling into destitution and tyranny. Live up to it. It will take more courage than you ever thought it possible for you to have. Reach inside for the best within you. America’s future depends on it. The weight of history is on your shoulders. Stand up straight and accept the burden.
Jack Wheeler
Editor, To The Point

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