So what we have learned is there was a shooting the police arrived and gave an order to get things under control and Michael Bennett did not comply and instead after it was all over went and got his attorney and lied about what happened. Want to see my shocked face? So Michael Bennett is now a confirmed liar. But the criminals are usually liars. Ask Hillary. Seriously has there ever been a single one of these issues that turned out to be anything other than bullshit? Hands up, don't shoot. The lies never end.

Micheal Bennett is what happens when a person's been told his entire life that white people are evil and are out to get him. Reasonable people need to remember, it doesn't matter what we do or say, they are expecting nothing but racism so they will experience nothing but racism. Even when it's on film, clear as day, they will still see basic and widely practiced law enforcement techniques as racist. One of the most consistent characteristics of liberals and racists is this, they are unable to differentiate between what they want to be true and what is true. They just cannot admit they were wrong or at fault for anything. Obviously this guy made up his story so he wouldn't look like the whiny pussy he really was and at fault for his own apprehension. The police acted more than reasonably with him in the midst of a shooter situation. Too bad for him it was all on camera and America saw the real story. Good thing for us. Body cameras on cops was a great leap forward in proving what liars and racists BLMer's are. I can see heads on the Left exploding as they try to figure out why they thought Police Body Cams were a good idea.
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