Dishonors God? Really!? What about someone who supports the killing babies in the millions. What does God think of you Nancy? Where were you when the Sisters of the Poor were looking for help to avoid being forced to adhere to the ObamaCare mandate that was in direct conflict with their heartfelt religious beliefs? Where were you, the house minority leader of the democrat party, when you voted GOD out of their platform? What exactly dishonors God? That's right you worthless POS. God really is honored by corrupt politicians and abortionists. Why do you hard leftists actually think you can "shame" people who believe in God, by invoking God, when we all know you are completely Godless? It's amazing sometimes how pathetically stupid you are. Get over it you idiot. And that includes your god Obama. He can bitch and moan all he wants, we don't really care though.
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