The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Pelosi mutters ‘oh God’ during question, suffers brain freeze, stares at reporters

Nancy Pelosi wanted to talk about a bailout for Puerto Rico today, but a reporter wanted her opinion on “gun legislation” moving through Congress instead.
The House Minority Leader couldn’t hide her disdain for — or fear of — the question.
While addressing reporters today, Pelosi muttered “oh God” into a hot mic while a reporter was asking about the bill.

Pelosi didn't have a brain freeze. To have one of those you have to have a brain. There is nothing but air in that skull. Pelosi should be in an adult care facility. And hopefully a very poorly ran facility. One run by Obamacare. Maybe a VA run facility so she can wait in the hall and be put on a "secret waiting list". Or maybe that facility called Forest Lawn. She is a National embarrassment. If the democraps actually had any compassion they would pull this old tired worn out road mule off the public stage and put her in a barn with other demented animals. Why does anyone care what she has to say at this point? Didn't her career end at "we have to pass it so you can see whats in it..."? Even if she had full use of all her faculties, she still would have no idea what she's talking about. So how can anyone tell the difference? The senile old hag is a clear and present danger to the Country. If she has a security clearance, REVOKE IT NOW, before it's too late. 

We all know it's time to put the nag to pasture, but the democrats think she has a good five or six more terms in her. It worked for Robert "KKK" Byrd. He kept getting re-elected till he died in office. Looks like Nancy will do the same. Liberalism is a brain eating disease! Poor old Nancy has a bad case of it! As do her voters. Sadly she doesn't know when to quit

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