The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, September 24, 2017


Trump Calls Out NFL And They Fire Back.

Good job NFL. You just committed suicide. And those owners like the Mara's who also criticized the President pulled the trigger. So the President's comments are divisive? Did the NFL ever bother to call the players disrespecting the flag and anthem, "divisive"? Didn't think so.No, your spoiled racist players are divisive! Your players who disrespect this countr y based on lies, who have benefited from this country and still shit on it. But I guess in your little world, it's certainly not divisive to disrespect our flag and all that it stand for, our military, and our police now is it? FU Roger Godell! FU NFL. "Unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL"? Give me a f**king break. So the President of the United States should respect the NFL more that the nation? Are you nute Rodger? Men and women died for our country to keep it free, and this is how they show their respect, or lack thereof? They can go to hell! These players disrespect our Flag and our Country, and because President Trump spoke the truth, they're angry. If they don't like it, then move! Do us a favor and pull the word "National" from your name. You, your players and your name continue to offend me because of my race and love of my country. 

Divisive actions like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for our county and the people who put their lives on the line to preserve our freedoms, and a failure to understand how privileged they are, to live in a country, that pays them millions to play a game once a week for a few months a year. That respect is earned not given. The military, the flag and all our Anthem stands for, deserve respect. There seems to be some thought process out there that one must tolerate opinions held by others even when they are giving you the finger. To those people I say, with all due respect and reverence, go f**k yourself.

The NFL's tacit endorsement of "political speech" on the field should be grounds to rescind their tax-exempt status. Football should be entertainment, nothing more. Players turning the football field into their soapbox need to be removed from the game. Period. The NFL Commissioner, with his response, is saying this behavior is endorsed from the top down. The NFL can be as political as they want to be. Remove their tax-exempt status. Fans can choose whether they want to watch. 

So let's put this in perspective. These assholes who pushed politics into a sports game are offended when politics are pushed into a sports game. How ironic. Wonder if they take time off from cashing million dollar checks, slapping their girl friend, killing dogs, or shooting up hip hop clubs to consider that. You can bet half of the league or more will kneel today, probably coaches too, which will only help dig the NFL's grave further. My hope is that they do it. Please. Take that knee. Find out what happens to your career, your life, your sport. Take that knee and find out what happens. You take a knee? We'll take a vote. And we'll win. Again.

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