Michelle Obama is looking gorgeous as ever! The former first lady was spotted at a tech conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, her first public appearance since late July, on Thursday evening. Michelle appeared before a large crowd to talk about her and her family's eight years in the White House.
"It's like being shot out of a cannon while drinking from a fire hydrant blind," she explained as she explained to the audience how she got used to her new way of living. "You have to tell the White House what kind of toilet paper you like. You don't know where your forks are."
Sorry, not buying that. If you knew anything, you certainly knew where the forks were.
Stunning, really, as compared to what? There are of lot of adjectives that can be used to describe Mooch, but "stunning" ain't one of them. Why is STUNNING always used to describe this grifter? Is it because these liberal writers tears are still blurring their vision? The only beautiful and stunning thing about her is the anti-American the liberals see inside her. This is the same fake media that said Hillary would win and again, so it verifies we cannot believe what they write, and now can't believe what they call stunning. Stevie Wonder might call her stunning, the rest of us with decent vision, not so much. Melania blows Moochelle away. She looks more intellectual, intelligent, better dressed. And looks more real. Doesn't look like bitter, angry, and hateful "woman". Melania is the real deal and is STUNNING.
Ya have love the unbiased liberal press! Comrade O and his wife walk on water and Melania is criticized for high heels. What a bunch of crap.When are we going to stop hearing about these two? Who the hell actually writes this bullshit? You have to wonder if they actually believe the words they write? It's just Ridiculous. She is the farthest thing from stunning! If her and Melania walked into a bar together, well i'll let you fine readers finish that line. Liberals believe they can change everyone's mind by repeating nonsense over and over. No, she does not look STUNNING. Never has looked stunning. So get over it.
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