The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, September 22, 2017

As Gay Woman, Ellen De Generes Says: Can’t Have Trump On My Show

Two blondes in the video. One's a nasty, untalented sleeze, who will do and say anything to advance her career. The other is Ellen Degeneres.

Via Red Alert Politics:
Journalist Megyn Kelly told Ellen she’d welcome President Donald Trump on her new show, Megyn Kelly Today.
After telling Kelly she would not have the sitting president on her show, DeGeneres received massive applause from her studio audience.
“I just, you know, he is who he is and he has enough attention and he has his Twitter account and he has ways to get his message across. There’s nothing that I am going to say to him that is going to change him and I don’t want to give him a platform because it just validates him. And for me to have someone on the show, I really, I have to at least admire them in some way and I can’t have someone who I feel is not only dangerous for the country and for me personally as a gay woman but to the world. He’s dividing all of us and I think I don’t want him on the show,” DeGeneres said again to massive applause.

And I'm sure the President cries himself to sleep every night knowing this too, moron. FYI Smellen, President Trump is too busy trying to undo all the damage caused by Hussein Obama and the rest of the democrats to go on this lesbians show.So she had Megyn Kelly on her show, does that mean she admires her. Hmmm, in what way Smellen? Hey Smellen, Liberal and gay is no way to go through life. One brain defect is one too many. Hey Ellen, maybe you need to interview some ISIS members. Then you'll  find out quickly you love President Trump you dumb twit. I know you loves yourself some Obama. He gives her  soothing words while bringing in Muslims and third world people who would like gays dead and are more than willing to murder them. Orlando ring a bell there Smellie? President Trump hasn't even said anything against gay people. You gay people must have a death wish is all I can figure.

Do these TV people ever come out of their bubbles to test reality? Does it really frighten them so much, that they choose only to live their little pathetic lives in Fantasyland? I don't know what flavor kool-aid Smllen has been drinking, but President Trump has NEVER said anything derogatory about gay people. The most dangerous thing about President Trump is sloshing around through Hillary's broken noggin. You progzies need to quit making up stories, you just scare themselves silly, and the rest of us have to deal with the crazy fallout.

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