Via Free Beacon:
White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller found himself clashing with CNN correspondent Jim Acosta at Wednesday’s White House press briefing.“What the president is proposing here does not sound like it’s in keeping with American tradition when it comes to immigration. The Statue of Liberty says, ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses,'” Acosta said, quoting from the poem The New Colossus, which was inscribed on the statue after its erection.“It doesn’t say anything about speaking English or be a computer programmer,” Acosta continued. “Aren’t you trying to change what it means to be an immigrant coming into this country if you are telling them you have to speak English? Can’t people learn to speak English when they get here?”Miller pointed out that English is already a requirement of naturalization.“The notion that speaking English wouldn’t be a part of an immigration system would actually be very a historical,” he said.

I keep asking myself why the hell does CNN still have a press pass? It could it be it was grandfathered in when America was founded? Because it seems that according to CNN, the beginning of their existence, was when America has started it's existence. That's right, CNN believes that before CNN, there was no America. I'm sure Acosta can verify this with several unconfirmed sources. Acosta's nothing but a third world turd, sitting in a white house briefing. Again, why? Throw his ass out, forever. Briefings do not need a smart ass pretending to be a journalist being a disrupt-er. This smackdown of Acosta is getting airplay everywhere! I love seeing that little shit get annihilated! Stephen Miller was and is awesome! Looks like CNN is just there for comic relief now.

Jim Acosta's dog after watching his performance
It is about time these asshole lame stream media reporters actually be held publicly accountable for lying about history. And of course it would be the blowhard Acosta at CNN who would say something totally stupid. Using the Statue of Liberty in an immigration argument? Really? I'll bet Acosta doesn't even know where the Statue of Liberty came from. For most of our history Mr. Asshole, immigrants had to prove they had family in the country, had a job waiting, were in good health and there was no welfare state for them to leech off of. There are more than 50 English speaking countries, where English is either the official or the primary language. And there are others where learning English is a requirement. And guess what Acosta, Canada, that country you libtards love to glorify and want to move to, has a point system for immigration and you have to speak either English or French. That pretty much f**ks your argument up doesn't it Jim? Doesn't look like Acosta has ever read the Constitution? Maybe he should take the 100 question citizenship test. Based on his performance yesterday he would fail as would every democrat in Congress. Democrats and "reporters" know nothing of history. Don't bother to explain history or reality to them. It's pointless. They make it up just like the news.
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