Via Free Beacon:
Hillary Clinton’s pastor compared her loss to Donald Trump to the death of Jesus Christ in a message he sent her the day after the November 2016 election.
She be looking rough! I guess the women that do her hair, makeup, and dress her were deported.
“You, our nation, our world, is experiencing a black Friday,” Rev. Bill Shillady wrote to Clinton on Nov. 9, 2016, CNN reported. “Our hope is that Sunday is coming. But it might well be hell for a while.”On Good Friday every year, Christians observe the crucifixion and death of Jesus, who they believe to be the Son of God. Two days later, they celebrate Easter Sunday, which marks the Resurrection of Jesus and the triumph over sin.One day after Clinton’s stunning defeat at the hands of Trump, Shillady wrote that “life is filled with a lot of Fridays” and Good Friday “represented the day that everything fell apart.”

This proves there is a God!
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