The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, July 16, 2017

John Lewis gets emotional while visiting exhibit on sit-ins

Civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) broke down while reliving a sit-in at an exhibit at the Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta.
Lewis, who was touring the exhibit with former Obama adviser David Axelrod for an episode of CNN’s “The Axe Files,” got emotional listening to a reenactment of the brutal harassment and violence peaceful demonstrators faced during the Civil Right’s Movement.
The audio that Lewis listened to was a depiction of what he himself faced while demonstrating.
“How painful is it to hear those scenes?” Axelrod asked before Lewis began to cry.
“Surreal. It is real. Exactly what happened,” Lewis responded.

Chuck Schumer taught him well. Sorry, I ain't buying it. So getting beat up by democrats makes you a civil rights icon? Some Democrats beat up John Lewis 50 years ago and he has been milking it at taxpayer expense ever since. John Lewis is nothing but a racist and his career in politics needs to be over. This guy has had his hand in the Taxpayers pocket for way too long. What he is crying for, and fought against is what is happening right now to those who have a different point of view other than his and his party. What about crying for the people that the Antifa protesters are terrorizing? What about crying for the people who are struggling to make ends meet? What about crying for the people who have lost and/or can't afford healthcare because of your stupidity in voting for Obarrycare? And just out of curiosity what have you done about gun deaths in Chicago? How come ole John Lewis doesn't help out the inner city neighborhoods? Does he ever break down and cry thinking of the thousands of grieving families each year who are killed in the inner cities by fellow blacks? No, because he's too busy crying for CNN! And by the way, he needs acting lessons. It was probably, take 4, by CNN to get it right. 

It's time you cry baby liberals suck it up, quit the victim games, and do your job by helping your country and the Americans that live in it! Stop being obstructionist, get your ass in gear, and work with Republicans on healthcare and tax reform. We're getting sick of your whining, blaming, and complaining! Instead of crying over the past, how about embracing the present and looking to the future. Learn from the past, and stop wallowing in it. But you can't do that. Because racist scum like you, Sharptongue, and Jesse Jackass need to keep the past alive to remain relevant. Obama set back race relations an easy fifty years, and you and your ilk are happy you can profit from it! Blacks would be far better off without these 'icons' that claim to help them while shoveling millions into their own pockets. Lewis has a net worth of $8 million according to House records. How does that happen again? Your nothing but a fraud. 

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