The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Sharpton: African-Americans Who ‘Don’t Trust’ Trump to Protect Them From White Supremacists Increasingly Buying Guns

On MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation,” host Al Sharpton said African-Americans diverse in age and gender are now increasingly taking up legal arms because “They don’t trust the Trump administration to protect them from the rise of white supremacists aggression that we have seen in the past year.”


Oh really? Well, Americans are up in arms with the hypocrisy of the race baiters like Rearend Sharpnuts when it comes to the killing's done by black thugs.You don't see these scum race baiters worrying about that. Al Sharpton needs to go permanently, Either by the arm of the justice system, or by having nature take it's course. Preferably the latter. No Al, it wasn't President Trump that made your follower' lazy, illiterate, criminal, violent, entitled racists! Oh no, it was you, by keeping your followers ignorant and ill-informed and exploiting the poor, ignorant, and easily-led by your money making enterprise.Your are doing nothing but carrying out the goal of your racist partner in crime Barry Obama, to pit Black against White, to cause racial unrest which is being demonstrated nationwide, and is continuing to do so. 

I don't judge all blacks by what this racist asshole says, and I know he only speaks for the few that follow him. The majority of African Americans are hard working, productive, career oriented, and well educated. They are not ignorant, don't shoot and kill each other, don't live off the state, don't complain about all the free stuff given to them, and are not ill-mannered disrespectful people, Al Sharpton needs to leave and stop poisoning these people into believing he's their protector. As long as Al Sharpton is the voice of black people, they will not be taken seriously. If you want to be taken serious, you don't have a clown as a spoke person.

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