The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, June 16, 2017

Report That Trump Now Under Investigation For Obstruction Of Justice…

Washingto Post:

Special Counsel Bob Mueller is investigating President Trump for possible obstruction of justice. via Wash Post.

Good old WaPo, making shit up as they go along. Another nothing burger with Schumer on top. The Left has already tried, convicted and sentenced Trump, all they need now is a "crime". At this point, I will not believe anything they "find" unless they find nothing. This is all f**king bullshit from the left in their latest attempt to get Trump out of the White House. All this is causing is what we saw yesterday in the form of leftist nut jobs trying to kill all the Rebublican's they can find. I guess we will never know the mind of the left of how they can do what they do and cause so much turmoil, and still sleep at night. Damn it President Trump, you have to order AG Sessions to start rounding these people up and press charges. I'm not sure you have much more time to be honest. Todays shooting can be just the start. As the leftist nut jobs say "just do it". 

I am just so sick of this shit. Nothing Trump did could be considered obstruction in a legal sense. It was his right to fire that idiot Comey any time he chose to. It was his right as the President to direct the FBI to pursue or drop an investigation if he desired. As Chief Executive of the Executive Branch, the head of the FBI and everyone down to the lowest office flunky in it work for HIM.

Someone should inform these assholes about Constitutional Authority. God bless you President Trump. If it was me I'd drop the mike, walk off flipping the bird with both hands, and let the corrupt press and congress go straight to hell. 

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