The world was applauding while the U.S. committed economic suicide with the Paris Accord. All done. Into the shredder with the rest

Says the Bowing Barry, the Soros puppet. No Barry, rejecting just your vision of the future. That's right, Choomie. We are rejecting your future. The future as designed by you and your commie buddies whereby this great nation of ours turns into a Marxist hell hole. Barry knows that nothing he did will have any impact on the future by the time President Trump, Pence and Bannon have completed their work. And like all whining little boys, he is throwing a tantrum. Maybe he and Lurch can have a good cry together. Barry is just foaming and spewing at the mouth because another Obama legacy liberal agenda just got flushed down the toilet. Priceless. MAGA!
Will someone please explain to the ShitStain that he is irrelevant and no one cares what he thinks? Mooch? Reggie? Rent-A-Kids? Anyone? Your future Obama, is not ours. Go away, go very far away.
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