Senator Murphy appeared on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ to talk about Jon Ossoff’s loss in Georgia’s 6th District and the future of the Democrat party. When asked if Democrats need to be more progressive or more moderate to win elections, Murphy responded, “I think the Democrats need to be hyper-focused on an economic message that tells people that the Republican party is all about the economic growth for millionaires and billionaires and the Democrat party is about economic growth for everybody.
…The fact that we have spent so much time talking about Russia has been a distraction from what should be the clear contrast between the Democrats and the Trump agenda.”
Change of heart?After 0-4 election record, Dem Sen. Chris Murphy now claims Russia focus ‘a distraction.

So let me get this straight, the left have been keeping this Russian hoax going to taint and delegitimize our President, and this asshole is blaming this narrative on Ossoff's loss? You just can't make this shit up. Well let me correct myself, if anyone can make this shit up the Democrats can! It's hard to believe the running joke has been "How long before they blame the Russians for the loss?" And there it is, live on Mourning Joe. The stupidity of those who follow these idiots is amazing. Sorry Murph, you ignorant moron, but the Russia investigation is currently the only Democrap agenda. Beyond trying to oust President Trump, you have nothing. No agenda, and no future. That candidate you put up is a mentally ill idiot. Ossoff lost GA because he didn't live in the district, wanted to raise taxes and his sole support came from brain dead idiots from Hollywood. And you blame Russia? The Russians probably couldn't find the 6th district on a map. Tell you what Chrissy, take this Russia stuff and shove it up your liberal ass. Real Americans are sick of it. This is just a big hoax, like globullshit warming.
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