Via The Hay Ride:
It failed thanks to three Republicans voting against the overturn of the methane rule, and you can probably guess who the three are: John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins. Thanks to their efforts, there is less incentive to pursue domestic energy.[…]If one of these three clowns – McCain was the one the leadership was expected – had voted for the overturn of the rule, Vice President Mike Pence was available to break the tie. But of course we can’t count on John McCain to support conservative policies or overturn leftist ones.Obama’s methane rule was a completely unnecessary waste of private sector resources. It was one of his last-minute “F You” regulatory overreaches issued after the Democrats lost the 2016 election. He used the Bureau of Land Management to promulgate the rule, after it was initially kicked around as an EPA regulation. Back when it was going to be an EPA thing, Americans for Tax Reform took a knife to it and called it “regulation for regulation’s sake.”

There they are, protecting Barry's legacy again. Forgive me for my stupidity, but what am I missing here? If Obama can make it a rule without a Congressional vote, why does Congress have power to overturn Trump's rule eliminating Obama's rule? Can someone please explain. As for these three assholes, they are disgusting. It is always them. And as for McShame, the people of AZ should be ashamed for putting this moron back into office. Just wtf were you thinking? McRINO and Graham - a perfectly matched set of assholes
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