This is the award Barry Deserves!

Via Boston Globe:
In one of his highest-profile speeches since he left the White House, President Obama delivered an indirect but unusually potent retort to President Trump’s efforts to repeal swaths of the nation’s health care program, telling a Boston audience that congressional Republicans were effectively helping the rich at the expense of everyone else.“I hope that current members of Congress recognize it takes little courage to aid those who are already powerful, already comfortable, already influential — but it takes great courage to champion the vulnerable and the sick and the infirm,” Obama said at the John F. Kennedy Library, accepting the annual Profile in Courage Award, according to excerpts of his prepared remarks.Obama was responding to a House vote last week to repeal the Affordable Care Act, his signature legislative accomplishment, a move that Democrats emphasize would chop funding for poor people’s health care while cutting taxes for the rich if the bill becomes law.
Well, another award that he has made worthless. Barry awarded for courage? The only courage he can possibly be awarded for is for waking up next to Moochelle. The "Worlds Most Worthless Asshole" is the only award he deserves. Obama and courage doesn't even belong in the same sentence. I know people who are far more courageous than that limp-wristed pussy. These liberals and their awards are pathetic. But I suppose when you can't find one person in your group of snowflakes that actually has integrity, honor, or actual courage, then you are limited to who you can give it to. He received the Nobel Peace Prize for 8 years of war. He may as well receive an award for courage for 8 years of cowardice. I sure hope the Navy doesn't name a ship after that military hating asshole. Unless it's....
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